
Name: Kasey Rae

Favorite Color:

Favorite Movie:
A Week Away

Favorite Book:
The Outsiders

Favorite Food:
Pineapples, and anything that tastes good to me.

Favorite Songs:
Death Was Arrested – North Point Worship
Can’t Wait – Ian McConnell
Any kind of songs from musicals.

Favorite Sport(s):

Bringing Him Praise!
I am currently a Freshman in High school. I enjoy singing, theatre, acting, video games, sports, and other fun activities. I also love to hang out with my brothers, family, and friends. I sometimes like the outdoors, but mainly when I’m playing sports, or hanging with friends.

Although I am only 15, God has already started working in my life, showing me what He wants me to do in my future. I have been part of a past worship team for a couple years but I still pursued to be an actress. As of November 2020, God put on my heart to focus on worship leading as a future career. Currently, my heart is set to go to Cairn University and study Worship & Music as a major and theatre as a minor.