Category: Kasey
A Message From Kasey
Hey everyone! Kasey here with some life updates. It’s been some time since I’ve talked about what I’m doing, so I’m writing to inform and…
3 Amazing Graduates!
That’s right, 2024 marks the year of 3 graduations! Dakota finished at University of Idaho with a BA in International Studies. He is currently doing…
This Past Month
It’s been some time, here is a quick overview of the past month. Dakota & Kadin – have been busy with school, work and Resonate….
Who Holds Your Tomorrow?
As I was working this morning, I was listening to Wes’ playlist on Spotify and was moved by the song called “You Already Know” by…
Something Different
This week Kasey had her first Tennis match. She and her friend Audrey won their match 6-0. It was a bright moment in our week…
X-Series: Kasey (Dazzler)
This is part of an ongoing series in which I am honoring my family in my own nerdy way. You can read the introduction for…
What’s Going On?
What’s the latest with the Coddington Tribe? Dakota was able to come home for a few days last week. The day he arrived it was…
Stage 4 and Incurable
We got the results back from the liver biopsy and talked with Dr Majithia. I have stage four cancer and it is incurable. They will…
Look Who’s 8
That’s right, Kasey! This past week was Kasey’s birthday. She turned 8! The greatest thing for Kasey about turning 8 is that she no longer…
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