Category: General
What’s Going On?
What’s the latest with the Coddington Tribe? Dakota was able to come home for a few days last week. The day he arrived it was…
Fall Is Here!
Because we have been living in Southern California, our family has not had the opportunity to enjoy watching the colors change, leaves fall, breathing in…
Guess Who’s Coming to Tribal DMx
People who are registered to come to the Tribal DMx are asking us who else is coming. Great question! If you are registered to come…
Indoor Rain & Chemo Round 3
Tuesday started off as a “typical” day. Polaris and I took Kasey to school. When I came home, I sat down to have my breakfast…
Last Week At A Glance
THE TRIBELast weekend we took Kadin to University of Idaho to start his Freshman year. We spent lots of time together as a family playing…
Stage 4 and Incurable
We got the results back from the liver biopsy and talked with Dr Majithia. I have stage four cancer and it is incurable. They will…
12 Years
12 Years ago today… Kadin! Kadin, You are a blessing, 12 years have passed so quickly. You have grown into a great young man. The…
Look Who’s 8
That’s right, Kasey! This past week was Kasey’s birthday. She turned 8! The greatest thing for Kasey about turning 8 is that she no longer…
Happy President’s Day!
Our kids had off school today and we went to the beach! It started last night when the kids had an overnight at Grandma and…
Valentine’s Day 2014
Karen took me for a drive in the truck last night. We seemed to be wandering around nowhere. As I was guessing where we were…
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