Category: General
Is It Time?
The question that is plaguing Wes’ mind is, Is It Time? The last few days Wes has not been able to do anything on his…
Latest Report and Concerns
WHAT’S BEEN GOING ON? Wes has been slowing down the past few weeks. It’s been getting harder and harder to climb the stairs to get…
Very Weak and Unsure
This week has been another tough one so far. I don’t seem to have the energy to do much of anything. I can barely lift…
Marriage MAP Report
Karen and I have been home from the Pullman trip for a week now. Dakota and Kadin picked us up at the airport while Kasey…
49 Years
Today Wes celebrated 49 years of life and two days ago we celebrated 10 years of his transplanted Kidney. Wes has lived a life of…
Marriage MAP Weekend
Karen and I are sitting at gate C4 waiting to fly from Boise to Spokane, Washington. From there we drive 90 minutes to Pullman, Washington…
Cement Pad Prayers
When we bought our house we had no clue I had cancer. The cancer was in my body and God knew it, but we didn’t…
Remembering Seaside
In October of 2013 the Coddington Tribe had the incredible opportunity to help launch a church campus in the Regal Theater in downtown Oceanside, CA….
Spring Break 2021: Sunday – Day 1
TRAVELWe drove from Boise, ID to Bend, OR and Dakota drove from Eugene, OR to Bend, OR. All arrived safe. I got my first speeding…
Worn and Tired
This has been a challenge over the last two to three weeks. We appreciate your prayers during this time. Wes’ body is getting very weary…
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