Category: General
Coddington Tribe Update Coming…
It’s been over two years since our last post. Stay tuned an update is coming….
Divine Celebration
Today would be Wes’ 50th birthday and what better way for him to celebrate than with his creator. Last year at this time Wes was…
May You Be Blessed!
The past two months have been a blessing as our family has been together for Thanksgiving and now for Christmas break. It’s been a pleasure…
Last Wednesday my sister Linda surprised me and visited for my birthday. Dakota and Kadin also came home for a few days. I am not…
This Past Month
It’s been some time, here is a quick overview of the past month. Dakota & Kadin – have been busy with school, work and Resonate….
Who Holds Your Tomorrow?
As I was working this morning, I was listening to Wes’ playlist on Spotify and was moved by the song called “You Already Know” by…
Happy Labor Day
Happy Labor Day weekend! We are now into a few weeks of new routines. Dakota is taking a few classes, enjoying working at Starbucks and…
Off To School
This week the kids and I went up to Moscow, ID to take Dakota and Kadin to school. Currently, the boys will be living together…
It’s amazing how quickly 21 years pass. Last weekend was Dakota’s birthday. Happy Birthday Dakota! We are so grateful for the wonderful man Dakota has…
Look Who Moved Next Door
RV PADThat’s right! Today we were able to complete what was needed to be done for Doug and Grace to move their RV onto the…
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