Category: General
Trailer on Thursday
We have a trailer!! While it is not in our possession yet, it is being held for us in MD, just south of where we…
Packing and Trailer Update
We know why we don’t have a trailer yet! We had no trailer at 10am when friends and family arrived so we took pickup truck…
Waiting on God
We have about 23.25 hours and people are arriving at our house to help us pack the trailer. If you have kept up, you know…
Three Days Left
The kids are with Grandma and Grandpa in New York and will be heading west tomorrow. They have had a good time there, playing with…
Vision Over Visibility
“At the moment of surrender of vision over visibility, I did not notice the passers by and they did not notice me.” – U2 Moment…
ONE YEAR!! (5-19-2012)
Today is Wes’ one year with his new kidney. He is doing great! He has been released to do more strenuous exercise. God has blessed…
Good Morning
As you may know, we have felt the Lord leading us to California but we are not certain of what He is calling us to…
New Tribal Direction?
Things are changing for the Coddington Tribe and we are excited, though we don’t exactly know what all the changes will be! The Facts Recently…
Minor Surgery Update (Day 3 – 11:40pm) – Call to Prayer
This is an urgent request for prayer. As mentioned 2 and 1/2 hours ago Wes was in a lot of pain. It has not subsided…
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from the Coddington Tribe! Read our New Year’s Newsletter here: Here’s what you wil notice around here: 1. Look and…
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