7 thoughts on “Dakota to Guatemala (Feb 24-Mar 1)

  1. Dates of Travel? I will be in Guatemala March 14-22 – and I have a team of 13 going to Guatemala Feb 28-March 8. Would love to run into you if you are there when I am. Praying for a successful ministry and evaluation.

    1. Haha that probably would have been good to include. I am currently on my way there now. I’ll be in Guatemala till the 2nd

  2. Wonderful opportunity and so much needed, Praying for your trip and ministry.

  3. What a great opportunity!! Uncle Scott and I sponsor a child with AMG that lives in Las Vistas, Guatemala.
    One of my 4th grader’s dad is from there. My student was able to visit Guatemala last summer.
    We will be praying for you and your team. Love you!!

  4. Awesome! Was there a number of years ago with Uncle Ken for Bundles of Love and my eyes were opened! Prayer for safe travels for you and your team! Let us know the dates! Love you and how God is using you! ❤️🥰

  5. God bless you all, Dakota. I will be praying for all of you and your team. Keep your eyes on Jesus

  6. God bless you all, Dakota. I will be praying for all of you and your team. Keep your eyes on Jesus

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