
We are about a month and a half into the 2024-25 school year and of course God has been doing some really cool things! First, a personal update, Kasey is now officially a Vandal, attending the University of Idaho as a freshman this year! This picture above is from our first home game (which we won!), our Mascot–Joe Vandal–came into the stands and took a picture with us which made the moment all the more special for Kasey’s first football game! Kasey has instantly made incredible friends with the Resonators here, which is nothing less than I had expected.
A panorama of Village a few weeks ago

Village and Discipleship Update
The picture above is from our village a few weeks ago. Our village has a lot of believers in it and we are praying that there will be more unbelievers who join our village. That being said, at this point, there are 22 people in our village who have agreed to engage in formal discipleship (whether it be a Huddle for the more mature believer, or a Grow Group as an introduction to what Christians believe). There are a few more people that we are planning to invite into a grow group so you can pray that God softens their hearts as well.

Specifically, you can be praying for Patrick, Gabriel, and Noah. These are three guys that I am leading in a grow group. Each of them are either very young in their faith or incredibly close to going from death to life! 

Noah’s Story
I’ll highlight Noah’s story. Like I mentioned in my previous letter, we’ve begun doing In the Harvest time where I, and the other missionaries, go on campus for 2 hours a day just to meet new people and share the gospel with them. I met Noah about 3 weeks ago through an incredibly awkward interaction. Even so, we talked for about 20 minutes and he thanked me for being the first person to talk to him since he moved to Moscow from North Carolina. I invited him over to our house so he could meet some more of my roommates and got to share the gospel with him then. He told me he has been feeling like God has been trying to speak to him and now that we ran into each other, that had to have been from God. Since then, Noah has been coming to the Sunday services, our bible study, and we just started grow group last week. At our most recent gathering we took communion, he leaned over to me and told me that he has never felt comfortable taking the elements because the pastor always said it was for believers. This was the first time he felt confident in taking the elements! I am still trying to assess if he has given his life to Christ, but at the very least God is working on his heart and I can trust him with that! So definitely be praying for Noah as he wrestles through the cost of following Jesus.

Dakota and I giving announcements on Sunday a few weeks ago

Foundational Residency
Finally, on Friday this past week, I began what our church is calling Foundational Residency. It is the first step in the training process to becoming a pastor with Resonate. I am very excited to go further along in this process. We’ll be given content to go through on our own and then meet up once or twice a week to discuss and learn from each other and from current pastors in the network. At the end of this 9(ish) month residency, we will be given the option to continue on or not. I am doing it alongside 8 other guys, all of which are much further along the process than me; already having received prior training, in seminary, preaching sermons, etc. While that does make me feel a little out of place, I do recognize that that means I will have the advantage of getting to learn and grow so much from all the guys who are older than me. All that being said, you can be praying for guidance and direction for me as well as increased trust in what God is doing. 

That’s all I got for this update letter. I appreciate each and every one of you for your love, care, prayers, and support. I love reading and responding to all your comments, encouragement, ideas, and prayer requests. Talk to you soon!

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Resonate · 2888 E Falcon Dr · Meridian, ID 83642-2154 · USA

Author: Kadin

2 thoughts on “

  1. Kadin, Glad to follow your progress. May it always be in and of God.

  2. Thankful for your ministry there. I know your dad would be proud of what the Lord is doing through you. And of course, your dear mom too. Lovingly, Marti

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