Greetings! I wanted to give you a post-summer update to tell you about all the ways God has been working in and around me this summer as well as let you know about what’s coming up the following weeks as students begin to arrive in Moscow for the school year. These last couple months have been a roller coaster of watching God do some incredible things as well as some of the most challenging seasons of leading others that I have been faced with thus far. First of all, our Elevate summer project was incredible! The picture at the top is our entire staff team; these were the individuals from all across the Resonate Network that I was serving and living alongside this summer in San Diego. We each led a room of students with the simple objective of showing them what it looks like to live a life fully surrendered to Jesus in hopes that by the end of summer they would each fall more in love with Him and set them up for a life dedicated to following Him. The following is a picture of me and the guys in my room:![]() These guys are all from Moscow and most of them are super excited to be back in Moscow and start practicing making disciples of their own. I absolutely love each one of these guys, it was such a joy to lead them this summer and I am so excited to be with them again in Moscow. Leading them came with its own challenges. They were each at vastly different point of their spiritual journey. You can specifically be praying for is Connor (the one next to me in this picture in the orange). Right now he is wrestling through a lot spiritually. He came into Elevate pretty much decided that it is impossible for him to believe the claims of Christianity and was leaning more on the side of believing that atheism makes more sense. He said he would give God the 5 weeks of Elevate to prove Himself and then after that, just give up trying. Over the course of the 5 weeks (and even beyond) Connor has been desperately searching for God as he still believes that the morality of Christianity is good and that the existence of a Christ-figure would be the answer to all of his questions of purpose and meaning for his life, but he just doesn’t believe that Jesus really was who he says he was. I would love it if you would be praying for Connor and for myself and our church community as he continues to wrestle through this. Overall, Elevate was incredibly impactful for each of these guys lives (myself included) and you can be praising God for His faithfulness to continue to raise up zealous leaders to be laborers in the harvest. Also I apologize for not keeping you in the loop throughout summer, my hope was to give updates as the summer progressed, however pretty soon after leaving for Elevate, my laptop broke, so I have been without a computer until about a week ago, hence the large, less detailed post-summer update 😀 ![]() As you know, I lead a house called the Foxhole in Moscow. Year after year, a new wave of men come together to form this house and live alongside each other to encourage, challenge, and pray for each other as we seek to develop as men after God’s own heart and dedicate our lives to his glory and his purpose. This year there are 9 of us living together, the picture above has each of their names on them so you can be praying for them by name. I am incredibly excited for what God is going to do this year in and through these men. This group of guys is closer and more united than ever before coming into the school year and they are all pumped to self-sacrificially live their college years to bring God’s kingdom to Moscow, Idaho. ![]() By the way, Kasey is a freshman at U of I this year! Prayer Requests: 1. 1,500 now students are moving to the University of Idaho. The first 72 hours after a freshman arrives on campus will certainly impact the rest of their college experience. For a lot of people, this is where they determine what crowd they will be apart of, the lifestyle they will adopt, who they will look up to. There is usually an inner turmoil of emotions that leads to predominately anxious thoughts (especially among this generation) and the fight to fit in somewhere starts the moment they say goodbye to their parents. You could believe that all the emotion and internal and external pressure just happens to be the way that it is, or you can believe that God intentionally uses periods like this to soften the hearts of individuals to just maybe accept the greatest news they will ever hear. Because we believe that God intentionally creates times like this for the spread of His gospel, we work tirelessly during the first few weeks of school to meet as many students as possible in the hopes that God is already working the hearts of some of them. Pray that God would lead us to the right people and that He would work through us and give us the physical, emotional, and spiritual strength to endure this critical time. 2. Following these first few weeks of school, we will have a lot of our young leaders wanting to invite the people they’ve been into discipleship groups. For a lot of our leaders, this is new to them. They have participated in discipleship groups, but for the first time, they will be leading them. Pray that God will develop them as leaders who point the students they’ve met right back to Jesus. 3. Pray for me as I step into a new role this next year on staff with Resonate. My official job title is Missionary, so my primary responsibility is to meet new people all year long, share the gospel with them, and, if they are willing, get them into a discipleship group. This is similar to what I have been doing all last year, however the major difference is that I will be meeting new students all year long rather than taking on more of a developer role with the students I had met. I am uncertain of how this will look logistically as I am a limited human with limited time, but I am looking forward to seeing how God will work through this. I am not sure if what I just wrote makes sense, so let me know if there is anything that I can clarify. Overall, I am very excited about what God is doing right now and what He will do this next year. I appreciate you deeply for wanting to be apart of this kingdom movement here in Moscow. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon and sending out update as we see how this whole year unfolds! |
I am thrilled to hear what you are doing as you serve the Lord, Kadin. Praying for the new school year and your ministry. Say hi to your dear mom!
Marti MacCullough
Woow!! You guys have all grown up so much, it makes me very happy! I remember when Dakota graduated High school at mosaic, and now 6 years later ya’ll are adults now , it’s crazy!! I’ll be praying for you Kadin, and your family. God has already done so many wonderful things in your life, and He’s got a lot more planned!
Kadin….This is the best message, update, news I’ve received in a very very long time!! With just your words here, you’ve inspired and engaged me in this exciting time! Praying for your works through this year ahead!! May we all be amazed daily by what God is doing!!
Hearing of all that has been going on and all that may happen in the first weeks at university energizes our prayers and will give your family and team great opportunities for Him. PTL!
Definitely continuing to pray.
We obviously got your update in person, recently, but it is good to see the guys we knew by name before and now can put a face to their names as we pray.
Love you tons!
Praying 🙏🏼
Wow, Kadin! From helping run sound for a kids in worship in a movie theater to leading, discipling, evangelizing, and more. Well done, good and faithful servant. Keep running the race. I will be praying for you, and for Connor, in particular. My regards to the rest of your family, especially Kasey. Miss you all.
We’ll continue praying for you and the awesome ministry you have in Mascow. You truly have a heart for the young people you serve. Glad Dakota and Kasey are there with you. Looking forward to your newletters and seeing how God answers prayer. Even though you are a limited young man with limited time each day, (which is something many people deal with, not enough hours in the day).God will give you exactly the people He wants you to meet and the time He has given you daily, weekly, monthly, etc as you serve this next group of college students.
Missed seeing you this summer.
Love you lots.
Thank you for sharing this with us. I am definitely praying