3 Amazing Graduates!

That’s right, 2024 marks the year of 3 graduations!

Dakota finished at University of Idaho with a BA in International Studies. He is currently doing a 5 week summer mission in New York City and then will be headed to Virginia for a 7 week training to get prepared to plant a church at Reading University, England, in the fall.

Kadin graduated from University of Idaho with a BS in Mechanical Engineering. He is currently doing a 5 week summer mission in San Diego, CA. In the fall, he will continue to work with Resonate Church in Moscow, ID reaching students on the University of Idaho campus.

Kasey graduated High School and was able to spend some time with her friends from CA. She plans to attend University of Idaho in the fall, to study Theater and be a part of Resonate Church.

The Tribe is growing up and God is doing amazing things in all of our lives. The kids have so many stories of how God has been at work and how they have seen lives move from death to life. I am hoping in the up coming weeks and months the kids will be able to post their own stories on this site and keep us all informed in how we can celebrate and encourage them as they are on the battle field every day. I am so thankful God has blessed me with 3 amazing kids and grateful for any time I get to spend with them. I am also thankful for the technology we have in this day and age to be able see each other and keep in contact even though we are miles apart.

Author: Karen

21 thoughts on “3 Amazing Graduates!

  1. There is no greater joy than to see your children walking with the Lord! Congrats to all three!!

    1. I have bee There with my kids separately in different countries and states in the past 20 years. A lot of adjustments for all of you in the past 3 years. God is so good! Praying for all of you.

  2. Amen! Such a joy to see them following Christ and on mission to make disciples wherever the Lord leads them. May God continue to bless you and your now adult children as they navigate this next journey before them. Encouraging them as I did their amazing dad, “run with endurance the race set before you, looking to Jesus..” love the update 😁.

  3. You and the family continually are in our daily prayers. It is such a blessing to hear how you all are doing, time just goes by quickly.
    Congrats on their next adventures, God has a perfect plan for them.
    Sending lots of 💜💙 and hugs your way!

  4. Such great news! How are you doing, Karen? We continue to think of and pray for you all.

  5. Looking forward to the stories from the “kids” as they continue their journey of following God. Thanks for sharing -and Congratulations to all of you!

    God bless you!

  6. Wonderful update! Kathy and I are continuing to pray for you and your family. #viacondios #keepthefaith

  7. Beautiful! Love these updates full of hope, love and God’s goodness. Loved seeing those smiles out here.

  8. You were our surprise and I thank God everyday for that. I am so proud of you and how God has used you and the children for His glory. Dad would be so proud, not for what he had done, but for what God is doing in your life and the lives of your children. I am a proud Mom and a proud Grandmom. Just goes to show, surprises from God can and do make a difference. Keep serving Him. Can’t wait to hear all about the amazing journeys God has planned of all of you in the coming years. Love you GLYM

  9. Praise God! Praying for continuing growth and direction. Awesome update thanks for sharing! Blessings

  10. It’s so hard to believe how fast those kids have grown. So proud of their walk with God.

  11. Congrats to all of the graduates and to their dear mom. Thanks for the update. Have a great summer.

  12. Congrats to the Coddingtons!
    What a wonderful time and a great accomplishment! So happy for all of you.
    If you’re ever in FL and want to meet up, just let us know! We would LOVE to see you all!

  13. Praising God for all the wonderful things He is doing in your children’s life’s.

  14. Congratulations to the graduates! Thank you for the update!

  15. Congratulations on all 3 of your graduates! Wow! Big milestones accomplished! :o)

  16. Congratulations to all the graduates! 🎓 God is faithful and continues to walk with your family. May each one be deeply rooted in their faith knowing that He will never leave them nor forsake them wherever their paths may lead. Thankful for this good update on the family and praying for each to live joyfully trusting the Savior to lead.

  17. So happy to see this heartwarming update! Congratulations to all! Rebecca

  18. Thank you for the update.

    One of Wes’s desires was that we as Christians follow Jesus’ command and “make disciples”.
    Dakota and Kadin have been doing that for years as they have spoken to college students about Jesus and have discipled new Christians and have encouraged believers.
    Now that they have graduated, we are looking forward to hearing how God continues to use their love for Him to bring more college students as well as others into the kingdom and then disciple them to do the same.
    Kasey has ministered often through her music. God has blessed her with a beautiful voice. She has used her talent to encourage others to worship and think about God. We are looking forward to hearing how God uses her during her college years to serve Him.
    Love all 4 of you!!

  19. I love that they love Jesus with ALL their heart! I am excited to hear their stories as they share them! God has BIG plans for all of them and for you too! Wes’s legacy is REAL and he would be so proud of them as well. In a world where they could be making more selfish choices they choose to follow the Lord’s command to “Go ye into all the world , and preach the gospel to every creature.” Will continue to keep them in my prayers as they will be under attack in many ways for making this life choice! Love you all and look forward to the next time I get to hang with the Coddington Tribe!

  20. Kudos to ALL THREE of the Coddington kids! You are doing God, your Mom, and your Dad very proud.

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