14 thoughts on “Coddington Tribe Update Coming…

  1. Looking forward to the new times!! Blessings!!!

  2. Looking forward to the update. It’s been too long!

  3. A lot has changed, can’t wait to hear al about it!

  4. So good to hear from you! Your family has continued to be an inspiration and light.

  5. Seeing an email from you made me smile! Miss you ❤️

  6. Looking forward to hear your update.❤️

  7. Looking forward to hearing about all of you !!!! 💓💓💓

  8. We have missed your updates.

  9. Looking forward to you update! Hugs!

  10. Hi Karen, Can’t wait for you update! What a joy it is to open my email and find your message. Miss you and love you. 🙂 Dee

  11. Yay!!! I’m glad to hear from you and can’t wait for more of an update 🤗

  12. Enjoyed my time with the Coddington tribe these past 2 weeks and my going home today is bitter sweet! Bitter to leave ya’ll but sweet to get home to my family and friends! Love you all and can’t wait to see what you will share with all those who love and care about you and your tribe! ♥️🥰

  13. Your family made a large impression on me and I was probably just one of thousands of families you’ve met. I have the same disease as Wes.

    1. I am so sorry to hear this news! I pray that you have the same comfort and peace that Wes had as he suffered with it! We miss him alot! Our family trusts that God had a reason for taking Wes home so young and leaving us with another vital person missing from our family! Pray you have family and friends that are there to walk through this difficult journey with you! Trust that God knows what He is doing! Take care

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