Latest Report and Concerns

Wes has been slowing down the past few weeks. It’s been getting harder and harder to climb the stairs to get to the bedroom. He has shortness of breath and his legs are weaker and weaker. Sometimes he has to lift them with his hands to get up stairs or even into the car. Mikki, his hospice nurse, suggested he start taking oxygen for that extra boost of energy to function. Last Friday, Wes began taking the oxygen. It has helped tremendously with his energy. All the above still apply, but he is able to continue to do what he wants to do, for now.

EYES: Wes talked to our neighbor who is an Ophthalmologist and set up an appointment to get his eyes checked. He has been having more and more difficulty seeing things far away. His vision is getting worse. Yesterday his new glasses came in and Wes wept… he could see again. He was amazed at how well he could read boxes and signs across the store. Thanks Emily for your help!

FOOD: Wes still eats very small portions, but he has allowed me to give him some Bolus’ feedings (food in feeding tube) for extra nutrition throughout the day. He is very leery about taking anything that has made him throw up in the past. It is mentally and physically challenging to accept. He is maintaining his weight at 151 and we are pleased.

LABS: The other day I took Wes to get some labs done for his kidney. Hospice is great but they mostly manage pain control and comfort, they do not manage his previous conditions. He has edema around his ankles and feet and I was concerned it was his kidney not functioning well. We have not heard the official report from the doctor but we can see the lab results and the kidney is doing its job and has not dropped in function. I look forward to speaking to the doctor to see if any of the medicines he is taking are no longer needed or if there is something that needs to be changed.

– Feeding Tube is giving sharp pains in his abdomen
– Continued weakness in strength and energy
– The mental challenge as Wes sees and feels his body deteriorating

TODAY: We plan to go to the Greenbelt (beautiful paved path along the Boise River) with the family. We will let you know how that went in the next post. 🙂

Author: Karen

26 thoughts on “Latest Report and Concerns

  1. Praying often and continually…. May God’s peace flow abundantly into each new day/moments throughout the day. Love to you all, Pat

  2. Will pray for solace when in pain and ease his suffering and continued prayers for strength to help you all get through this. Love you all❤️❤️❤️

  3. Wes and Karen,
    Thank you both for being as open and vulnerable as you are with the details surrounding these difficult times. Your words encourage me and every one else who follows. I feel for you and am so sorry you’re facing these difficulties. Our family prays for you both regularly.

  4. Praying in the spirit. Much love and peace to you all. Wes is a scholar and looks great! I love your love for God, each other and the fam bam. Any recent photos of the pup? Be blessed and a blessing! Wes; your last post of keeping Jesus in the center is spot on; at times difficult but the best WAY for any and all. Thank you for the reminder!

  5. Hi! As I read this update, I thought about a video I just watched this week, and then I thought I need to share this with them. I’m not sure if you’ve seen this yet, but it’s one of the most inspiring videos and messages I’ve seen. You’ll probably have to copy and paste the link into your browser, or you can just look it up on YouTube.

    May you be blessed.

    Golden Buzzer: Nightbirde’s Original Song Makes Simon Cowell Emotional – America’s Got Talent 2021

    link to

    1. I just saw that as well and thought the same thing! What an inspiration to all who sees it.

  6. Praise the Lord for oxygen and glasses! Keep on!

  7. I have your family and Wes in prayer continuously. I am praying for comfort, doctors to be guided by God, and to give your family opportunities to spend quality time together. Sending my love to you all.

  8. Continued love 💕, hugs 🤗 and lots of 🙏🏼!!

  9. Constantly thinking about you and praying for you.

  10. It’s amazing what a new pair of glasses can do! So glad the O2 is helping. Our prayers continue!

  11. Thank you Karen for sharing updates and prayer concerns. Have missed seeing you both and hope to catch up this week further. Our prayers are with you on a regular basis! Love you guys!!!💕🙏🕊

  12. Praying for you both everyday. My love to you and Wes as always and for strength and peace. So glad about the glasses!! Patty C.

  13. Thank you so much for letting us know how how things are going. So happy oxygen is helping and what a thrill that he could see again with new glasses. Praying for strength to make it through each day, for hope and joy fill your home every moment, for an overwhelming sense of God’s love and presence every second. Love you all!

  14. Know that we continue to pray for you all during this season. May you know and feel the Lord’s strength and presence each day and may He surround you with the blessing of peace and hope as you walk forward in trust and faith.

  15. Praying for you and family and love to you all.

  16. Continuing to pray for all of you. Love you all a ton.

  17. Sending lots of love and light and prayers to Wes and his whole family! Heartbreaking but what an amazing spirit he has and is blessed with a phenomenal family! Lots of love, Eraina Turrell Houser

  18. Glad to hear that things are helping him respond better (vision, breathing) and that his kidney is still doing well. We continue to pray for you all – and really appreciate you keeping us updated. We are really excited to see you soon. Love you guys!

  19. Hey Wes, Karen and family,
    I am so glad Wes got glasses. I am also glad that he was able to get oxygen as well. I will pray that God continues to provide what is needed so that Wes can be most comfortable. I am actually still praying for a miracle that Wes would no longer experience hardship regarding health issues. I pray for all of you. Kacey is heavy in my heart, I hope she is able to feel and have a good bond with someone of her age group.
    Thank you again for describing and sharing details of what is happening.

  20. Continuing to think about you and pray for you each and every day, Wes.

  21. When I read the glasses story it immediately brought to mind the I Corinthians verse about how now we see only a reflection (like in a mirror, dimly) but then will see clearly (like face to face) and will know and be fully known. It sounds like you got a little preview of that Wes. Praising God for better earthly vision for you!
    We continue to pray for you and your family as you run with endurance and look ahead to the finish line (or ultimate starting line as a friend of mine calls it.
    Thank you for keeping us updated and encouraging us with your realness and reminders that we all need to use our time purposefully.

  22. Continuing to pray for you, Wes and the entire family. May the Lord give you physical and emotional comfort. Love and hugs, Marti

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