We spent most of Monday just hanging out and relaxing together doing one of our favorite things – gaming! We did a beach puzzle (Thanks again to Lisa Babb and For Pete’s Sake). We played Uno (both normal and spicy), The Crew, 5 Crowns, Five Nights at Freddie’s and Beat Saber (VR Headset) and probably some others. We have to shout out to Reely and Haley Daugherty. The VR set is what we got with your generous family parting gift!! Great family times have come our way because of you two!!
We hiked at Smith Rock State Park today. Man it was gorgeous! Polaris probably enjoyed it more than the rest of the Tribe, but we all had a blast. She was like a sled dog – we couldn’t walk fast enough for her! She kept pulling and tugging the leash. This was a little dangerous at times going down into the gorge but was really helpful going up and out! Polaris wanted to stay with Kadin up front so while he took first position, I held the leash behind Polaris in position two. She quite literally pulled me up the gorge trail. At one point, Kadin, Dakota, Karen and Polaris did a little bouldering on a side route, while Kasey kept me company on the (very) slow and steady main trail walk. (Thanks for the Smith Rock suggestion Luis Cuevas and Kelly Pacharis.)
After 7-8 months of chemo and dodging the bullet, I’ve finally caught up with reality: My hair is falling out…and fast! At this rate, I will return to Idaho bald, or close to it. While it doesn’t bother me as much as many of the other side effects, it is one that Kasey has been dreading. At one point a few months ago, she broke down crying and said that losing my hair is a daily reminder that I have cancer. So you can pray fo her heart through this process.

So glad you’re all having fun!
You all look great, filled with joy and peace. I remember when I started losing my hair. I shaved my head while everyone was at church. I did so bad that Sarah had to go over it again when they got home. I hope you look better than I did without hair. Sarah’s husband shaved his when he had cancer and has just kept it that way. Some guys just look good no matter what.
So wonderful to see you enjoying life together.
What great memories you guys are making. Wish I could be with you enjoying such a wonderful time. Hair – hah!! you’re a guy – I remember being with Aunt Debbie at the Mayo Clinic when all her hair came out too – after a bit we just shaved it all off.
Love you guys,
Aunt Ruthanne
Wonderful to hear you all are having fun and smiling.
What a joy to see all those beautiful smiles!! Seeing all if you together out and about fills our hearts with hope of answered prays for you Wes. Your dog is s crazy one🙂 he fits right in to the family 🤩. We send our love and daily prayers. Sonny and Dee 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🌈
So glad to see you out and about enjoying this wonderful time together making treasured memories. We continue to pray for you and your family daily. Dave and Lorrie
What great memories!! Have a wonderful time!
So glad your getting this time together. Love and hugs to you all. 🙏
Wes, this is a very special account of precious moments with the family! Thank you for sharing this joy! Your infectious smiles are the best! When you spoke of Polaris pulling you up the incline, it reminded me of a YFC bike trip, years ago, that you and I participated in. We were in Vermont, heading up Killington Mountain. I was in group 5 and you were in the “A Team” group… I was not in the best of shape. The sweltering heat and the searing burn in my quads had me close to quitting! All of a sudden, out of nowhere, appeared 2 angels. Their names were Wes Coddington and Mark Gobel. 😇 😇 What happened next was hardly believable to me…. While all 3 of us continued to peddle up that mountain, you two peddled with only a single hand. That was because each of you placed your other hand on my back, and literally pushed me up the rest of the steep journey!!! I will always remember that! Thank you for your incredible Christ like love. Your example speaks volumes to the watching world…. both then and now!! “Praying without ceasing,” Jane Cook ❤️
So glad you had some happy moments together. I’m sure it lifted every ones spirits. The pictures of the family together are treasures. Praying on. Praise the Lord!
You all look so beautiful and Happy. What an inspiration you all are to me, Praying for you all to have a wonderful time, (and Polaris!) Praise God and God go with you all.
Wonderful memory-making experience in a beautiful part of our country. So glad you are having fun! So glad you are enjoying each other with games. Continuing to pray for Wes and the family. Today I am praying for joy in the journey. Love and hugs.
Praying. Love to you all.
Grateful for Family times and the time you have together.Thankyou for sharing the LOVE.
Love these pictures! Love the smiles on your faces! Thank you for sharing how things are going. We never stop praying in all of this! 🙏🥰💕It looks like Polaris is having an absolute blast as well! 😂
Hairless? Welcome, friend…
So, “you pulled a hill climb with a Polaris?” That sounds really snowmobilish!!!
These vicarious adventures are wonderful.
Your Coddington smiles and joy made my day! We love you all!
Just Love, that’s what I send! You all are teaching us all every minute. Thank you, with all my heart! Yes, Yes, Yes, I’m praying, and thankfully, now adding Kasey’s heart to my list!
Praise God for you all!
So glad you are all having a great time. And that your body cooperated enough for you to be able to go! You are all in my thoughts and prayers… enjoy the rest of your trip!!
I’m so glad this trip worked out. Beautiful pictures and memories. My heart goes with you.
Hooray for family time, games, and beautiful hikes! I’m so thankful you all are able to get this break!
Looks like the perfect spring break, as it should be. Nothing like fresh air and sunshine to give a little perspective and renew the soul. Stay strong and happy, you have an army of people praying for you. As far as the hair, now you don’t have to worry about gray!
I am so glad you are all getting this time away!!
Praying for peace and joy to continue to bless your time.
What amazing memories! As Jeno said you have an army praying for you and your family. Enjoy the beautiful weather and time with the tribe.
And hey, haven’t you heard? Bald is cool!
Hi Kasey. Just wanted to you to know I pray for your dad and all your family often. Lifting you as high as my spiritual arms will go.
Your smile tells it all!!! Thanks for sharing and again I say Wes, that God is certainly answering all our prayers. Inspite of your illness you are persevering through obstacles none of us would want to endure. But God has developed a persistent, enduring character, that has helped you to enjoy every moment in life! Praise God!! Tears fill my eyes thinking of his Greatness and love that he has shown to you .