I believe strongly that the the Bible is the Word of God and that it was given to us by a loving, personal God who desires a relationship with each of us. That is really not a secret to most, as I have always tried to live authentically what Jesus taught. I share with others when they ask (and occasionally when they don’t :D) but generally, I believe we are each on our own path and I will never argue someone into believing what I believe. In my personal life, I tend to take the approach of the blind guy in the Bible in the book of John, chapter 9. Jesus healed him and the religious leaders wanted to know all this fancy info about the healing. The formerly blind guy basically says, “I don’t know the answers to your questions. All I can say is that I was blind, now I see, that guy (Jesus) did it.” I know the profound affect the real Jesus has had on my life and the lives of many others.
I do get invited to share why I believe what I believe on various platforms at different times. I take advantage of those as often as possible because I believe so strongly that people need an opportunity to interact with what I believe is absolute truth. I have three such opportunities coming this weekend.
I invite anyone who might be even slightly curious about the faith of the Coddington Tribe and how/why it sustains us in troubled times to consider joining in and listening. In my opinion, it can’t hurt you and it could potentially change your eternity. Seems worth a listen, but I am at least slightly biased…
We have been in a pretty cool relationship with a Chinese church in New Jersey since 1998. The Christian Testimony of Morris Plains is hosting a conference this weekend on Zoom. It is international, with people from China, India, Brazil, South Korea, the United States and more. I will be sharing twice – once on Saturday and once on Sunday. The entire schedule is posted below if you want to join any part of it, but here is the info for my parts.
Saturday, Jan 2nd at 9:20-10:00am Eastern
Subject: The resurrection of Jesus is one of the most reliable events in history. There is more evidence for it than almost any other historical event. When you apply the same principles to it as any other event, it surpasses most in reliability. If you believe Abraham Lincoln was shot in Ford’s Theater, you ought to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. We will look at the reliability of the Bible as well. Apply the same principles as you do with any other book of antiquity, and the Bible surpasses all in reliability and accuracy.
Sunday, Jan 3rd at 9:20-10:00am Eastern
Subject: The God of the universe desires to be in relationship with you. There is noting happening in your life that He doesn’t care about and want to be part of.
If you want to join us:
Zoom Meeting ID: 912 854 8313 Passcode: 5gbGLC
It helps if you register ahead of time at: Info and Registration
I will be speaking and Kasey will be helping lead worship this Sunday morning at A Church of Living Hope in Langhorne, PA. Service times are 9:00 and 10:30am Eastern. We were part of the Living Hope congregation for eleven years from 2001-2012. I will be sharing what God has been doing in our lives since we moved to San Diego and then recently to Boise, Idaho, as well as how we have seen Him at work with my cancer diagnosis. I’ll challenge the church a bit too to be living lives the way the Bible teaches and not the way North American Christianity has branded truth to be. Here’s directions if you are in the area.
My friend and co-worker Chad MacDonald from Canada prayed over me this past fall, “Lord, help Wes to not waste this cancer.” I am working as faithfully as I can to do just that. Er, to not do that…whatever!

Wes, you and Karen were both there for me when I was having the worst year, emotionally and physically. Your healing words and hugs helped and heal more than you guys know. I am forever grateful for the Coddingtons and wish I could be there to help in any way I could. I know He has a plan for you Wes, and it WILL be amazing! My prayers are always with you and the family.
I’m guessing the gospel camp message will be the same as the streamed in-person message on Sunday ? I may just stop by on Sunday.
Samuel, thanks for the question! My Sunday Zoom will be prerecorded as I am speaking in PA live. They are all three different talks. Saturday is also being pre-recorded, though I plan to deliver live. It’s all precautionary given my unpredictable health patterns.
Wes, you know how much we want to see and hear you in-person, but have you tested negative for COVID-19 since your earlier positive finding? If not, how are you able to speak in public at A Church of Living Hope this Sunday? Will Karen, Dakota and Kadin be there with you and Kasey, or are they quarantining in preparation for your return flight to Boise? Praying for what the Lord will do during these “Three Opportunities”…
Tom, as always, we appreciate your love and concern for our family. You discipled my wife before I even knew her and I am eternally grateful for all your family has been to us! The leadership of Loving Hope is being very careful and cautious with their meetings. The room is socially distanced and masks are required. They (as well as us) have been told there is a ten day quarantine needed after a positive test. I will be past the ten days on Sunday and our family is symptom free. As well, I will be up front and not doing up-close greeting afterward. Our family will remain distanced from people. It will be hard not to hug and stand close, but this is what needs to be.
Thanks Wes! We love you and praise the Lord for all of your family’s faithfulness.
Look forward to joining in!! Thanks for sharing! Live y’all and miss y’all like crazy!!
Wes, we are thinking of driving down! However, not sure I can do that and not hug you! Haha. Will the recordings be available after the services as well? We do our family gathering on Saturday (just our kids) but I don’t want to miss it!! Praying for you always!!!
The Zoom calls will be recorded. Don’t know about the live at Living Hope. I imagine it will be recorded in some fashion.
In case you can’t make it to the service in PA… On their Facebook page A Church of Living Hope announced that their church service “featuring guest speaker Wes Coddington, former Pastor at Living Hope” will be streamed live at 10:30 AM ET this Sunday. Go to http://www.churchlh.com for the link to the livestream at that time.
My daughter and I are going to try to make it to one of the services tomorrow 1/3. God Bless you and your family.
It was great to see you this past Sunday. As Christy Lyn and I sat and talked Sunday night she asked what my thoughts were on the message and the morning. It is now Wednesday and I am still flooded with many thoughts. Just your physical appearance before me brought back great memories of ministry shared together with common thoughts and goals. It also reminds me of the difficult times, the times where you feel beat up, tossed about like a rag doll. It then reminded me of Christ and the promise of one day being restored anew. Those were thoughts just at the physical. Then your words were of great encouragement to continue to reach the lost each and everyday. The words that remind me just how blessed I and my family have been. The words that remind me that soon the body of Christ in America may be called to be moved way out of our comfort zone. In short I thank God that he allowed you and gave you the strength to spend one more hour in my life to help sharpen, encourage and edify me. My God continue to bless you as you sprint towards the finish line and I pray that I may do the same.
God Bless