Chemo is not working.

I apologize for the silence these last weeks. We had our Tribal DMx over US Thanksgiving and the next day I started chemo and it hit me harder than ever. Normally I am beginning to pull out of it starting Day 5. This time it was Day 10 before I began the climb out. We know so many of you pray for us even in the silence. Thank you.

Here’s a lot of news coming at you:

The Chemo is not working. We just got the results of my Friday C/T scan and it shows the cancer is growing. While a few spots have shrunk, most of the tumors have grown and spread. As well, there is decent size shadow on my transplanted kidney. They will do more research on that to discover what it is, but right now, the kidney is functioning beautifully. I am off chemo now till January 11. At that point I will start a new kind of chemo. I will be on it 3 out of 4 weeks. It will have different side effects, of which I don’t know anything about yet. Dr. Majithia will give us those details in the new year.

God is still on His throne and no plan of His can be thwarted. We are learning to call ‘good’ what God calls ‘good’. There are so many great things He is doing. How can we love the things we agree with and reject the things we don’t? Check out the cool things we are watching Him do:

  1. The boys are back in town! In an unexpected turn of events, both Dakota and Kadin are home for 7 weeks! Kadin’s school is doing all online learning after Thanksgiving break, so he is home till the new semester in January. Dakota’s on campus Starbucks where he works also shut down for the break. His boss, Sarah, has been so compassionate and helpful through this time. She offered to let him have off till mid-January so he could be with family. His job is secure and waiting for him when he returns. (Thank you Sarah!) So we are all together and loving our time.
  2. Tribal DMx was awesome! We had family and friends come over US Thanksgiving and it was wonderful. Lives were changed and perspectives renewed. We had lots of fun. I am setting up a separate post after this one to ask those who attended to share their thoughts on the DMx. Meanwhile, we were blessed as a family in so many ways.
  3. We are going to Aruba! Through some pretty amazing circumstances, the Tribe is going to Aruba on Saturday. We will be there till Dec 26th. Our kids have never been anywhere like Aruba and are super excited to spend Christmas snorkeling as a family in some of the clearest waters in the world. They can’t wait to swim with sea turtles! We see God’s hand all over this provision and are grateful. We get to spend extended time with Karen’s family in Philadelphia on the other side of Aruba. It has worked out that that every single person in Karen’s family will be together!
  4. An epic day trip. Dakota, Kadin and Kasey took the truck and headed 6 hours north to University of Idaho to pick up Kadin’s motorcycle and bring it home for winter. Apparently they were chased by alien lights, saw a majestic bald eagle, watched a car ram into a gas pump, left the bike ramp in a parking lot (and later retrieved it), loaded the bike on the truck in freezing weather, listened to music, and had great conversations. The title pic is from their trip.

Some thoughts to consider. I know there are some reading this post and you don’t necessarily believe in God, or at minimum, you’re not sure. It’s no secret that we strongly believe there is a God and He desires to be intimately involved in our lives. Our testimony to you is this: Either there is a God and He is the amazing person we believe Him to be or we are the most ridiculously lucky people in history. There have been too many ‘coincidences’ in our lives – too many times when we have specifically asked God for things and it happens. We have been too blessed. You have to believe in incalculable amounts of cosmic luck or in a divine presence in our life. We would ask you to consider the latter and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He loves and desires you beyond all you can imagine. Anyone one of the Tribe would love nothing more than to share more if you wish.

Okay, sermon over. Thanks for letting me share. We love you!

Author: wes©

23 thoughts on “Chemo is not working.

  1. Thanks for sharing and letting us know how to pray! Our God is an AWESOME God and is working for you and definitely working through you and your family. We love y’all and miss you like crazy!! Enjoy Aruba and Philadelphia! Merry Christmas! 🎄

  2. Glad there are still good times to be had and the family is together ! We are still praying and believe God is still on the throne and is a miracle worker! Love you all! Chuck and Sandy

  3. Thank you for sharing your life and your relationships with our Awesome God! He did not give us a spirit of fear! And you’re teaching by example through your steps! Of course, you’re all regular folks. But how you’re pushing through with Love of God and Trust in His promises, Great Teaching!
    Merry Snorkeling Christmas and Blessed Philly Family Time!
    Praise God Who Inhabits The Praises Of His People!! Love, Betty Short!

  4. Wes, you are an example to us all of trusting God through really challenging stuff. The DeGraffs will continue to ask the Lord for healing in your body and peace for your family.

  5. Wes- I’ve always been challenged by your love and trust in our God, and your love for others. Thanks for your unswerving example of faithfulness. We will keep praying for you and your family, and that you have a great time in Aruba together!

  6. Lou and I, in the much colder part of the world, hope you enjoy your nice warm Christmas! We also are keeping you very much in our prayers. We serve an amazing God! Take care! ❤️

  7. How wonderful that God has blessed you with so many ways to be with your family and friends God will hold you in his hands through this whole thing I hope you have a great time in Aruba Main St., Baptist church is praying for you take care love in Christ

  8. Thank you Wes for sharing what is going on. We continue to pray for you and your family daily. We don’t know what lies ahead either, but we trust that God has His hand on you and in your treatments. We love you and miss all of you!!

    Patty, Nicole & Justin

  9. You. And yours …Wow Wes what a beautiful witness of what Jesus looks like. The Van Grols will continue to boldly ask for your healing. We pray that every single hand in your care know and feel God’s goodness and that medical decisions be gentle, swift effective and lead by the Holy Spirit. Enjoy every second of Aruba! With all the love Terri and David

  10. Your faith as inspiring Wes! I love your family I’m so glad you all get to be together and get to create such a special memory. Praying for sweet trip for all of you , and a ridiculous amount of laughter. Praying for healing and that you would always have hope.
    Much love to all of you,

  11. Always witnessing. THAT is why you are blessed and whenever that day will be, oh the crowns you will cast!! You are favored!!! God’s blessings on all of you!!!

  12. Thank you Wes for giving us such a thorough up date ! It’s so great you have the boys home with all of you at this very special time of year. And Aruba sounds amazing!!!!! Im sure the memories made there will be awesome!!!! Im sure Karen is excited to spend time with her family also and that everyone will be so thrilled to see you ! Im praying that the new chemo treatment will be 100% effective and side effects few and mild. We love you and your family so much and your testament and faith are truly beautiful and inspiring! Happy happy holidays to you and your entire family !!!! Praying that your parents are feeling great and in good health also ! Much love, Carol 💞💞💞🙏🙏🙏

  13. I am always encouraged and strengthened in my own faith by you and your family. Praising God for all you have to look forward to. Have a blast in Aruba, a very Merry Christmas!!

  14. Wes, Thanks for sharing about your faith in God and what is going on in you and your families life. I appreciate about how you are strong with Gods strength and not wavering in your belief. I am still praying for you.

  15. This update takes my breath away. I know that God has a huge plan in all of this, for your family and more. But man! I really am bummed that it did not work out for us to come up there a few weeks ago. We miss you guys so much! Have a fantabulous time in Aruba and may you not only find something new and exciting but I pray that each of you has a moment with God in one of His special places, a moment where you walk away and physically feel His touch.

    Always praying.

  16. I love you and your wonderful family. It is a privilege to pray for you and anticipate how God is going to respond. You have favor, you’re His son.

  17. The Lord indeed remains Good. Thank you for Hosting a great Thanksgiving Retreat. It was an amazing time. I know it came at a great cost for you. Continuing to pray that the Lord has His way with you where ever that journey leads you. Have a great Christmas with your family . . . . Merry Christmas Coddington Tribe! Love y’all.

  18. Thanks so much for your faith filled updates in spite of things not always going as we might like from our perspective. Praying for you and your family!

  19. I’m always grateful for your messages, even if the thought of transplant meds being the culprit! Thank you for the reminder of truth and finding the goodness despite what we “see”.

  20. Thank you for the update Wes. I will be praying for you and your family. I am thankful for the trip to Aruba you have coming up. You are a great example of staying faithful even in the mist of trials. Thank you for the example that you set and the challenge it sets in my spiritual journey. Run your race. And we will lift you up. Very thankful that you are my brother in Christ… Ken Barton

  21. Love you and your family. Will continue to pray and hope you have a blast in Aruba. So grateful for you
    You are such a blessing and example to the entire North American Mission Board family

  22. Thank you, Wes, for being so transparent. You are an inspiration the entire way through. THANK YOU! Such a bright star you are. Shining until your last day. God is smiling upon you and the clan. Praying over God’s will for each and every one of you ! So much love your way!

  23. Your whole family makes me want to glorify God more. He guys reflect his grace and truth do well in all times but especially now. Love you guys!

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