Aruba Update

We are not in Aruba. Dakota tested positive for COVID twice. We are working today to try to change our vacation company to switch to next week. If we can do that, we will all get tested again on Wednesday and hope and pray we are all negative.

Obviously we are all discouraged and a bit heartbroken, but we are still clinging to the hope that we can leave Saturday. What it does mean, even if we can go, is that our time to visit people is gone. We are quarantining here in PA so we don’t catch COVID. The original plan was Aruba then hang out in PA with family and friends. Karen’s family is no longer traveling here due to the positive test. So, more disappointment there.

I (wes©️) don’t really know what to tell you. I’m more disappointed about this Aruba fiasco than I was in hearing the chemo isn’t working. I spent the first day after finding out talking to the Lord and discussing my feelings with Him. (I also spent the day playing a video game where I just shoot everything in my spaceship and blow up bad guy tanks. That was cathartic).

We believe that the Lord is good and He must have a better plan. However, it’s really hard to live in that truth right now so we’d love prayer to that end. In the Bible, in the book of Mark chapter 9, a man is asking Jesus to heal his son. Jesus tells him that everything is possible for those who believe in Him. Immediately the man exclaims, “Lord I believe, help my unbelief!”

We are exclaiming the same. Lord we believe you have a better plan, help our unbelief. We are trying hard to live the truth we believe. Thanks for all the support and love.

Author: wes©

14 thoughts on “Aruba Update

  1. Praise the Lord that you are all together – and we really wish we could be there with you. I do pray that God would open the doors to Aruba (although I have never been there – I hear it is beautiful) – and that you will have some special time as a family.
    You said it before – but I will remind you again – do not doubt in the darkness what has been revealed in the light. God is good – and He is in control of all of this. 400 years before his people went into Egypt and became slaves, God told Abraham it would happen – and went so far as to say that they would be coming out a large and prosperous nation. Hundreds of years before the birth of our savior – God told the prophets – who recorded for us countless prophecies that He perfectly fulfilled.
    In our own experience, we have seen God “disappoint” us time and time again only to find out that HIs plan – His way – was MUCH better than our own – and that He had it all along. At the same time, there are “open ended” prayers and events that we cannot see His “better way”, but with all of the evidence we have, we MUST trust that He has this – and that ultimately it is GOOD.
    I know you know all of this – and say it so much better than I do – but I needed to be reminded as well, so thanks for letting me remind myself of the things I know are true – but still need God to “help my unbelief”!

    1. Thank you for your God sent words! This helps me, assures me, a common woman who Loves God, to Trust and Pray in His Will for all the Coddington Tribe’s moves. This tips my vision upward! God is Good, All the Time! Praise The Lord! Covering Wes, Karen & family in Prayer for Holy Spirit’s Lead!

  2. Man, you guys, that’s crazy! We’ll pray for, you’re covered by a lot of prayer even when you feel you can’t pray anymore.

  3. Continued prayers for you and your family hang in there

  4. Yes, prayers, prayers and more prayers. We all love you so and are suffering along with you.

  5. Although disappointing – God isn’t surprised by this and had it in His perfect plan for your life at this time and I’m trusting Him to give you peace amidst the upheaval as you come to terms with this disappointing change. Praying hard for an understanding travel agency and for new plans to work out and joy in the journey for all of you.

  6. Covering all of you in prayer. I don’t have any words of wisdom like some others on this blog. Just an assurance that God is always with us and he is working for our good. Even and especially when we can’t see it.

  7. We have heard many times everything allowed to come into our lives has been Father filtered first. Believing that the Father has good things in store fo those who wait, and asking He reveal it to you soon. Much love and prayers from Idaho!💕🙏🏻

  8. He’s got you, guys. You know it more than anything in this life. He loves you beyond comprehension and will do His will in you as long as you want Him to. His silence is louder than our prayers and desires. Enjoy each other wherever you are and bask in His sunlight, snorkel in his awesome grace and know that his love will carry you through anything and everything. Yes, I’m disappointed for you on our earthly level, and don’t diminish that – we’ve never been told to not be real.
    Love you all,
    Aunt Ruthanne

  9. So praying for you all. May God open this door soon.

  10. Hi Everyone, Wow, we are so sorry for all of your plans being on hold. We are glad Dakota is only testing positive and not sick, Amen. God’s timing is so very hard to take and understand but we know with all of your families great faith you know our Savior is keeping you safe from what we cannot see. Our prayers will be for you to travel and enjoy your families much needed and deserving vacation to a most beautiful place. As you wait for prayers to be answered, Jesus is giving you this special time as a family and we are very glad you are all together. Thank you for keeping us posted. We are praying for Wes everyday for our Lord’s mercy of complete healing. We love you guys so much, thank you for teaching giving us your amazing faith to live buy. Love, Sonny and Dee

  11. We are standing on the words of Mark 9 with y’all. “Lord we believe you have a better plan, help our unbelief.” Praying boldly for God to reveal His plan and for Miraculous healing and a negative test for everyone tomorrow!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 We love y’all and miss you like crazy!!

  12. I can’t say anything more than what has been expressed by these comments. It’s so true , you try to believe that God is in control and has better plans but as human beings, it’s not in our nature. It always seems to be a struggle. Your strength and beliefs are so amazing but then again , God truly lives within you. My group out here on the east coast are seeing this. A true testimony! Love you all.

  13. Praying for you and your family Wes

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