What’s Going On?

What’s the latest with the Coddington Tribe? Dakota was able to come home for a few days last week. The day he arrived it was snowing – our first snowfall for the season and he, Kasey and Polaris had a blast running around the back yard and playing in the snow.

Kasey did great in her first High School semester and started her second semester this week. The school has changed the arrangement that each grouping of students (Team 1 or Team 2) only comes to school 2 times a week instead of every other day. This allows everyone to be online on Mondays and then in school either Tuesday, Thursday or Wednesday, Friday. It makes for better scheduling and remembering which days she’s in school each week.

Kadin is finishing up his semester this week, he will be taking his finals and then heading home. We are looking forward to having the whole Tribe together again.

Wes’ parents arrived this past week and will be moving into their apartment later this week. It’s always a pleasure to have family around. They have rented an apartment for six months. This allows them to be close and to gauge whether a permanent move to Boise makes sense.

This past weekend Wes and I facilitated the Marriage MAP in Boise. It was a three day – 12 hour teaching. We were concerned about the energy it would take to do this and it was a great weekend. Wes did a great job, the Lord gave him the energy he needed and in fact Saturday night was the first night he had a restful night sleep in weeks. Prior to this weekend, he hasn’t been sleeping well, he’s having a hard time breathing and/or has constant headaches throughout the night. We have the window open, a humidifier constantly running and we are using peppermint and other oils regularly to help. It was such a blessing to have Wes wake up Sunday morning rested and feeling refreshed. We are also thankful for Justin and Jared who were able to come and evaluate the class, help, and be practitioners to continue to use this in their ministries.

Today Wes is on another treatment of Chemo. Along with the lack of sleep, he has also been losing feeling in his fingers and toes and the skin is becoming rough and cracked. They are concerned about the loss of feeling and know that it is from the Chemo, they know which drug is doing it, so they are cutting it back 10% and requested we monitor to see if it gets worse. As far as the roughness of skin he just needs to keep moisturizing and wearing gloves. 

We are looking forward to next week and the Tribal DMx. Please continue to pray for all the details, especially as COVID is on the rise everywhere and God is at work.

Author: Karen

14 thoughts on “What’s Going On?

  1. Praying for Wes each day. So glad you all could minister last week with energy and strength from the Lord. Love you. Marti.

  2. Praying for Wes and family everyday.
    Patty Carmichael

  3. Miss you all and hope this week’s chemo provides less side effects that are so debilitating. Glad your mom and
    dad can be there to help with things – spiritually and emotionally.
    I’m planning to leave for OK so Trish and Tony can be there for Thanksgiving and the DMx. Hope many are led to
    the Lord because of the witness of His action in your lives.
    Love ya all.
    Aunt Ruthanne

  4. I continue to pray that the Lord will work miracles in your lives. It is still SO encouraging to see the faith by which your family walks. Such a testament to Jesus in your lives.

    Kim and I will continue to keep you in prayer.

    Love to all,

    Brad & Kim Lawing

  5. Have had you all on my mind. It’s so good to read your messages of progress in the ministry. Praying daily for you all! Love and Blessings!

  6. Praising the Lord for Wes’ ministry and your family’s good adjustment to new schools and home! We’ll keep praying for Wes’ health and upcoming ministry. 🙏

  7. My prayers are with you guys all the time. Thank you for keeping us up to date.

  8. Thanks so much for the updates so we know how to pray and to celebrate the Praise reports, too! Y’all are amazing and we sure miss you like crazy! Love ya! Carol & Mark

  9. Keep the updates coming. We are praying for the Tribal DMx even though we cant be there with you all.

  10. Praying for you guys regularly! 💕
    God is always faithful and provides for our needs exactly when it’s needed! He is good!

  11. Dear Wes and Karen, Your updates are a blessing, we really appreciate your openness, it allows our prayer to be specific. It is good to hear Wes’s parents will be with you. It was great to hear the kids are doing well with their classes and hope finals go well for Kadin. You two are amazing!!! We miss you very much! Enjoy the snow, it is all yours 🙂 Our prayers for a miracle from Jesus of complete healing for Wes are said everyday! Happy Thanksgiving and hope your family is all together. Praying God’s abundant blessings for you both. With much Love, Sonny and Dee

  12. Karen thanks so much for keeping us informed. I wish I could be out there but no body wants us from SC as our numbers are spiking! You all are on my mind everyday and I have prayer warriors working. Not only is Wes very special , you are as well as a spouse , partner and mother trying to keep it altogether. Love to you all. Aunt Priscilla

  13. Love and prayers sent! ❤️ Thank you for these updates !

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