Two Asks and a Chemo Clarification

One of our friends, Lisa Stonehouse, is a professional caterer, and another, Georgette Barnard, is a spiritual hospitality guru. Together with a team of DMxers, they are taking the food/snack portion of the Tribal DMx away beyond our original expectations. We are so grateful for their servant hearts and the way they are using their God-given talents to help us make this experience awesome.

Please register if you’re coming, especially local people who plan to come to evenings or just part of it.

We need to know numbers because we don’t want waste food or be under-prepared. The registration lets you tell us what days you’ll attend. Resonate and local Boisians, I’m looking at you! Thanks for your help.

As we prepare the topics of conversation, we’d like your input. Many of you are making a sacrifice to join our family. What conversations or activities would make it worth your trip? Even if you can’t attend, what would you have liked to have heard or been involved in?

Another way to put it: What experiences with the Coddington Tribe moved you forward in life that you think is worth others hearing or experiencing?

Would you please answer the questions above in the comments below to help us prepare?

Karen and I are regularly asked how many more treatments I have to go. Here’s the answer to that: I will be on chemo treatments the rest of my life.

Breast, prostate and other cancers of that type are becoming more and more treatable to the point of remission. Those cancers are on one end of the spectrum. My cancer is on the other end. According to everything we know from the medical world and watching patterns for decades, this cancer will kill me. It is aggressive and will not stop growing until it has taken over my body. There are only two recourses for me. Pray for a miracle healing and watch God make a choice in that department and get the best treatment possible which is not intended/able to cure me but only to extend my life as long as possible.

So right now, I get chemo every two weeks for three days (Mon-Wed). This will be the my schedule for life. It can change but here’s some of those parameters:

  1. Eventually my body may stop tolerating the chemo as well as it is now and they will have to stop or lessen the chemo treatments. This will lead to a shorter lifespan.
  2. They could choose to use radiation if they feel this helps in certain areas. This would hopefully shrink tumors but will have quality of life issues for me as I deal with radiation side affects (or is it effects?).
  3. They could do surgeries but this is highly unlikely. Given the short life span expected already, it becomes a quality of life issue. Every surgery has weeks of recovery and down time and rehab and pain. For a cancer that won’t stop, it’s not worth all that downtime. There is more important stuff to do with the time remaining.

Author: wes©

10 thoughts on “Two Asks and a Chemo Clarification

  1. Christy Lyn and I will not be able to make it out but you and Karen and family have been in our prayers. You always pushed me to think outside of the box, outside of the traditions of our faith. Langhorne boot camps is the one thing I will always remember. There is way too much about those boot camps to list but I am certain that I probably learned more than those we were ministering. You also challenged me as a father to live out Deut: 6:4-9.

  2. Praying with you and the family. Would love to see God answer option one, but also praying for strength and effectiveness if God deems option two as a “good thing” (Rom 8:28) We love you guys!

  3. MY experience with you guys has been tons of fun and laughter with deep meaningful talks filled with truth in such a REAL way…
    For the fun side – GAMES! – Jason and I got to know you as a couple in the basement of the Langhorne dorms, then apartment, then Karen’s mom’s house….we have to get creative but group games with strategy…would love to play cards but not sure about people’s comfort level with Covid…something with that weird ball, eye thing? Still don’t get it…
    Can we roast Wes?
    Wes – can you share your testimony and what has led you to who you are today? What are the experiences you’ve had that have led to you be so honest and truthful in an effective, winsome way? Can Karen share how she puts up with you (ha ha)? Hear from your kids about what they experienced (practical) from you an Karen that have led them to follow Christ?

  4. In the short 6 months we’ve gotten to know your family, I’ve been blown away by your laser focus on God’s kingdom, no matter what is happening around you. I’d love to hear how that has played out in your marriage and parenting and family life as well as the spiritual disciplines and practices that keep your eyes on Christ.

    Praying for miraculous healing and for God to be glorified in all the days he gives you.

  5. Randy and I unfortunately won’t be able to make it….but two HUGE things that have stuck with me (and I STILL use to train my staff) are: (1) you are safe with me and (2) glorifying God in all you do (servant leadership)…the “see a need and meet it” mentality.

    Knowing that you would never say anything behind our backs that you would not say to our face shows great integrity, and I was always in awe of that and wanted to emulate it. Activities such as doing housekeeping, taking out the trash, and other “not fun” tasks were definitely not seen as glamorous, but they were our way of serving the Lord and glorifying Him…servant leadership.


  6. In the relatively short time that I have known you (Wes) and your family, the gentle (and sometimes not so gentle) push to grow in the Lord has been the most important part of me being the man of God that I am today.

    As all others have stated, Kim and I are praying for His will in your lives. However that looks.

    Much love to you and the family.

    Brad & Kim

  7. Hi Wes, I was just thinking about you today and praying for your family. I wish you many happy moments with your family and, Lord willing, a miraculous recovery. Your old friend, Brian Weber
    PS. I moved to Ocean City and there is even less snow here. But lots of sand, I like that!

  8. Wes and Karen. I would love some of the time to be spent talking about the purposeful discipleship of children. What you guys have learned and have done over the years. This area continues to grow in importance and I’d love to hear how you have uniquely shepherded your kids. I’ve already picked your brain over the last few years but would love some specifics for what you have learned.

    Also, share what it looks like to live life as ministry. You two did this all of my teenage years and into adulthood. Ministry wasn’t 9 to 5 but your lives really were lived out in a mission minded marriage and life. Looking forward to seeing you all next week.

  9. Tommy & I would like to wish you all a very blessed Thanksgiving. We continually lift you up in our prayers. We ♥️ and miss you all so much!

  10. Wes,
    It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, but I remember you with great fondness and admiration. You have always allowed God to use you as he sees fit. Your approach to this illness- to live is Christ and to die is gain- has given me renewed perspective on the purpose of life. Thank you! I am praying for you and your family, for a miracle, and for God to be glorified.

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