Tribal DMx – Day 1

Thank you for all that are praying for this week. Today was the first official day of Tribal DMx. We began at 1pm and went through to 10pm. So far we have had some good times of worshipping, praying, learning and sharing God stories. God has given Wes the energy to continue to lead and we are thankful for others who have made the trip here to help us all move forward towards becoming better followers of Jesus.

Author: Karen

10 thoughts on “Tribal DMx – Day 1

  1. Great words! Praise God! Jesus Jesus Jesus!!
    Blessings to you all!

  2. Praise God for giving Wes the strength he needed to get through the first day of DM with leadership. Thanks God you are so amazing. I pray for God to continue to give Wes energy to keep his strength whiling having leadership contagiously

  3. We are with you in spirit. #praying #keepthefaith #viacondios

  4. Praises to the Lord! We continue to lift you up in prayer! Love to all!

  5. Wonderful news! God is glorified in your lives and leadership! Love you all!

  6. Sounds like a great day 1! Praying for continued strength and stamina for you both. Happy Thanksgiving to the Coddington Tribe.

  7. Praying throughout the day for Wes to keep his strength up.
    Love you all!!

  8. Bro Wes,

    We are praying for you every day. May the Heavenly Healing come upon you from Lord!

    May God richly bless you, Karen and your three children.

    Sherry Li

  9. Awesome, continuing in prayer !
    Pray for our believers in Christ Jesus the son of God and blessed trinity. Trials and suffering in the name of Jesus, Amen
    Heal us and our land.

  10. This makes my heart so happy. Thank you for sharing with us! We wish we could have been there, but know that we were there with you in spirit.
    Love you all!

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