Prayer Requests – Update

Early this morning Wes woke up with trouble breathing and pain in his chest. We called the Doctors office and they were concerned that it may be a blood clot in his lung, which can be a problem with Chemo patients. I drove him over to the ER this morning to get some tests done and he will be there for a few hours.

This upcoming week is our Tribal DMX, friends and family have begun arriving and we have been working on this for months. Just pray for the Lord’s will through all of this, for health, strength, protection, safety, for the schedule/sessions and for all who are coming. May the Lord be glorified through all of this.

PS – If you’re thinking COVID – Wes’ test came back negative. PTL


No COVID. No blood clots. There is a little inflammation in his lungs which could be viral. He’s doing a more accurate COVID test just to be safe. Results tomorrow.

They are contacting DR Majithia (chemo doc) to just see what his team thinks. Is there something else that we should look at due to the chemo drugs he’s on? If he has nothing else, they will swab him and let him go. It might just be a pulled muscle needing pain meds and rest.

Author: Karen

33 thoughts on “Prayer Requests – Update

  1. Praying for Wes, all of you and the conference!❤️❤️❤️

  2. Praying for healing for Wes and that God pour out blessings on the gathering!

  3. Prayers for Wes and your family. Prayer for guidance of the doctors and solace for Wes.

  4. Praying for comfort, healing and strength through all this. Love you!

  5. Praying and bringing Wes, the doctors and nurses before the throne of grace…

  6. Sending prayers and hugs to you all! ♥️♥️♥️

  7. Praying! We are heading into staff prayer(DJJ) and will also pray for him and the Drs to have wisdom. Still praying for complete and miraculous healing!

  8. Praying for… “for the Lord’s will through all of this, for health, strength, protection, safety, for the schedule/sessions and for all who are coming. May the Lord be glorified through all of this ” … and for peace and hope and comfort, even, though this situation. I work with Ken. You all seem to be a cool family with deep faith, and I appreciate that. I believe

  9. Still praying. Thinking and praying several times a day… whenever Wes or Karen or Kasey pops into my thoughts. Love to all, Diane

  10. Sending lots of love and prayers for Wes.

    Love Sabrina

  11. Prayer for Wes and the entire family for a very special week in praise and thanksgiving. 🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️

  12. Praise The Lord! He inhabits thr Praises of His People!
    Covering Wes and You All in fervent prayers! ❤❤

  13. Prayers that our Lord bring comfort and more time for Wes to serve here on earth. Prayers to our Lord that He provide peace and the removal of any clots to ease the breathing for brother Wes. Prayers for the weekend schedule and visitors to have a fulfilling, God filled experience with the Coddington Tribe. In Jesus Holy Name. Amen.

  14. I am adding my prayers to all of those who are already praying!

  15. I’m so sorry Wes is having a rough day! I’m so thankful it is not a blood clot or anything serious! But I’m praying he feels better very soon! Of course the timing is terrible but satan does have a way of trying to interrupt the good you try to do. And I am positive this week’s events will do good! Continued prayers for all of you and especially the Tribal DMX! Have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving! Please keep us posted on how Wes is doing. 💞🙏🏼

  16. Praying for all of you and for the upcoming week.

  17. Hi Karen and Wes, Prayers are answered, thank your for quick update. Love you both. We prayer everyday for complete healing for Wes and will continue to do so. Love, Sonny and Dee

  18. Prayers for Wes, you, the family and the conference.

  19. Praying for Wes and your conference. God will direct the thoughts and actions of his doctors and Wes in His plans for Good.

  20. Praying for grace, strength, courage and peace for all of you this coming week. May you know God’s presence beside you and may the gathering be a blessing to all involved. May the joy of the Lord be your strength.

  21. Love and prayers for Wes, Karen and kids. Praying for doctors wisdom and alleviation of these issues. God bless and give you peace and comfort through this. ❤🙏

  22. Joining with you and all these in prayer over Wes, God’s wisdom, clarity, and purpose in all of this!🙏🕊

  23. Hello To the Beautiful People of the world.
    I am sorrybto hear about the chest pain . you said it was muscluar. Soak in baking soda and epsom salt. 5lb bags. It restores the eletrolytes your losing as well as reduces pain. I love you all dearly. Xoxo May Gods miraclous healing. Cover the gathering and bring a powerful time in pray …please post a time for prayer so we can join you !.

  24. Still slapping some prayers over your way from the Johnson crew. Keep it up.

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