Thank you for all your prayers, emails, texts, cards and thoughts of good will. There is no doubt that the Coddington Tribe is loved and cared for. Thank you.
Here is the report from the Friday scan:
- Important to note: This was a CT scan which shows much more detail than the original PET scan. With the PET they wanted a global view. With CT they get a closer view. So it’s not an apples to apples comparison to Wes’ first scan.
- From now on they will do CT scans to be able to compare apples to apples.
- This scan shows new cancer in Wes’ liver and new cancer in his lungs. They are very small so the doctor believes they are not really new, they just could not be seen on the PET scan.
- The original tumor in his esophagus has shrunk.
- Most important news: Dr Majithia is pleased with the results. He does not think it is spreading, he believes the “new” cancer was just too small to be visible in the PET scan. They are also pleased with how Wes’ body is handling the chemo overall. He wants to continue treatment as we have been and check again with another CT Scan. They did not say when that scan would be.
We are praising God that the cancer in the esophagus is shrinking. Overall we feel like this is good/neutral news, not bad news.
This is encouraging! Praying for the tumor to keep shrinking! Gods light continues to shine steady and bright through you all 💕
You are all close in our hearts and always on our minds and in our prayers!
I have been praying for you and your family, the tribe. Jesus will see us through this
Praise the Lord!!