Puppy Update: Official Name

[Kasey] As you all may know, the Coddington Tribe got a new puppy last week. She’s a playful little puppy, and she’s only gotten more active. From the day we got her to now we’ve been coming up with different potential names for her. We got many lovely suggestions from some of you readers too! Thank you for those! We have officially given our little pup a name. Her name is Polaris (Moose) Coddington. Let’s look at some family thoughts on why we specifically chose the name:

[Wes] First, I like the name because it’s unique. The family threw a lot of creative names into the mix (pretty typical of the Tribe) and ended up with something different and cool. So I guess that’s second – I love that we did it together. 

Third, Polaris is part of the X-Men (comic team). We all have X-Men characters we relate to and it’s been kinda fun to do that as a Tribe so it seems fitting that our first family dog should have an X name too. Polaris is Magneto’s daughter and her powers are magnetism. It seems fitting for a bright puppy/dog that attracts people to her. 

Fourth, Polaris is the North Star. It reminds me that I can always find my way home. And the north is cold – I love the cold!

Last, Polaris is a snowmobile brand. If you know me at all, that says enough.

[Karen] It has taken a while for me to get used to the name but I like that it is unique and there are so many meanings and things that we love in the name. Also it was suggested by Wes and it’s growing on me.

[Dakota] It is very unique, I don’t know of any dogs named Polaris and can for see her being called that (and Moose) for many years. It’s got a nice ring to it. It’s also pretty cool that it can mean so many different things to different people.

[Kadin] The main reason why I like the name is that I think it’s cool that she shares a name with the Northern star. Also Polaris sounds appealing and I think it’s great that Dad was the one who came up with the name.

[Kasey] I love the snow. It’s my favorite weather and winter is my favorite time of year. When I found out Polaris is a snowmobile company, I felt like it fit. I’ve fed her some ice and some ice blended to a powder and she just loved it. She knocked the cup out of my hand so she could get a better grip eating it.

Author: Kasey

16 thoughts on “Puppy Update: Official Name

  1. So this is really a Pup-date! 🙂 Praying for you guys. Keep the updates coming…

  2. I like the uniqueness of Polaris and all of its meanings. Moose is also a cool 😎 addition.
    Blessings to all of you.

  3. Your family is unique. I love the name also!! Great choice. Love you all!!

  4. I am really hurt that you didn’t like my suggestions… but I guess Polaris will do!! 🙂

  5. I love that name. Unusual but befitting. I like that Wes picked the winning name. Not crazy about “Moose”. She’s too cute to be called Moose. Love you guys.
    Keep your eyes on Jesus!

  6. Love the name and all the meanings behind it! Her nickname, Mooose, is also fun! You are going to really enjoy her! Miss you all!

  7. Awwww love how you all worked together to name you new pup! Can’t wait to meet her in October! Will be sure to bring my extra allergy meds…lol! See ya soon!

  8. I like Polaris!! Very unique. Avery and I are keeping all of you in our prayers 🙏

  9. Love the Name! We had a Chocolate Lab named Chocolate Moose 🙂 she was the best dog. And we had a Polaris we took to the desert. So excited for you guys. Sending warm hugs and prayers. 🙂 John and Cyndi

  10. Kind of partial to Muttlepuck Flipperwill, but Polaris is pretty sweet.

    1. Dakota, I JUST showed our folder from 12th grade with all our made up names on it to friends who were visiting. One of my stories about you is enshrined in a frame on our bathroom wall at the house.

  11. I loved hearing from each of you in this. Thanks Kasey for the update!

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