God does not need to prove anything to anyone, and yet over and over we see Him proving His faithfulness, mercy and love. We have already been overwhelmed with His blessings through many manifestations – here’s a few examples:
- We shared Monday afternoon that we were hurting for Dakota who could not be with us. By Tuesday at 10am he was standing on the sidewalk at the Boise airport waiting for me to pick him up! His boss at Starbucks gave him a very fast leave of absence and someone in Eugene that’s part of Resonate Church bought him a ticket and got him to the airport for a 5am flight. Thank you JP for your love for our son. Dakota will now accompany us to drop Kadin off at University. The whole Tribe is together!
- Our friends from California/Australia sent us a Cancer Care Package that they put together themselves. It is a shoulder bag for trips to the hospital and chemo treatments with the following items in it: a warm and fuzzy blanket, two portable phone chargers, a beautiful leather journal, handkerchiefs for crying and COVID protection and a pair of socks that say, “F*** Cancer.” While you may not hear us say that out loud, we feel it exactly fits our sentiments! Our world was never meant for diseases and pain, and ultimately, God wins over cancer no matter what! They also sent us a Flat Kadin (like the Flat Dakota they gave us two years ago). We put them at the dinner table to help us feel like they are with us. Thank you Matt, Danielle, Lucy and Joe!

3. Our local friends have blessed us with meals (Steven, Alanna, Nora, Josie, Luis), offering of meals (too many to list), surprise visits to sit and cry (Eddie and Terri), spending time with Kasey (Taylor and Renee), showing Kadin and I the perfect camping spot (Jeremy) and so much more. Even being new in town, God has brought us a great support group!
4. My work team and my bosses and even our organization’s president has supported us in so many personal ways. I am on a team that is dedicated to my family and NAMB is proving that the good they do all over North America, they do for their employees as well.
5. We cant even keep up with all the comments and prayers being shared on Facebook, this site and other platforms. It amazes us how many people are tuned in to what is going on with us and how much love we feel. We get very emotional when we see how many people are praying. For me (wes©) I say, if what’s happening in my life drives more people to converse with their Creator then that’s easily worth whatever suffering comes my way. What a blessing to connect others to the One who adores and desires them. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
God Is So Good! He has so many children working together.
Hey Wes (& Karen & kids); just thought you might like to know that there’s a guaranteed minimum of 100 people from EFree praying for you all. Stay strong!
Praise God!! And we knew that you would find God‘s hand at work no matter what the circumstance and already you are doing that. The love being shown to you is exactly what you show others and it’s just being repaid! Still praying like crazy for God’s miracles but especially for more to know Him because of y’all! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 We love y’all!! Safe travels!
Tears have been flowing! So glad the body of Christ has been activated to pray and serve! I always said that if God would give me the opportunity to thank someone who had blessed me and/ or my family I would seize the moment! So THANK YOU!!! Wes and Karen for all you did for Matt and Tina!! For discipleship and encouragement (remember that time you taught Tina to ride a bicycle on Brownsville Rd) good times! Sometimes I didn’t know who was the bigger kid, you or them but you also knew how to get down to business! Praying also for your children and I’m so happy you can all be together. Praying for your dear parents !!Also praying that God would put those in your path He is seeking to bring into a
relationship with Him!!
I teared up to hear how God is caring for you. And by the way I understand the F word for cancer. Praying for you Wes and for Karen and the family. Love and hugs.
Wes, have your doctors looked for any clinical trials to enroll you in? Also, you may want to look into organizations like the American cancer society because they offer support and resources.
Thinking and praying for you all! ❤
Tribes need to be together – so happy for the airline ticket!!! It’s been clinically proven that God hears us even better when we swear (mask or no mask)