Karen celebrates her last year in her thirties today. She is a wonderful person who strives to model her life after Jesus Christ. Because of her dedication to Him, she is an amazing mother, an incredible wife and a kind, tender friend to many.

Here’s what her kids wrote about her in preparation for today. These were on parchment paper as, written as acrostics with Karen’s name colored beautifully:
K ind
A thletic
R ight
E xcellent
N ice
K onsiderate
A thletic
R ational
E xtra Pretty
N ice
K ind in all ways and very loving, that’s one reason I love you.
A mazing at everything she does, sports, cooking, raising a family, and that’s not even half of what she can do.
R espectful at all times, rain or shine, pout or whine, not to mention Wes’ valentine.
E veryone loves her for exactly who she is, but at her house where her family lives is where she is loved the most.
N o matter how many times we screw up, she always loves us through thick and through thin.
We are so blessed as parents to have such a kind, caring, and lover of God as a daughter-in-law. We have expressed this to so many people we know. Have a wonderfully, blessed birthday.
BTW, we awoke to snow on the ground. Can’t wait to get out there. Burrrrrr!
She is an awesome daughter-in-law, also 🙂
I have admired Karen almost from the day I met her. She is a very strong person and has been through alot, especially, when Wes was so ill. She didn’t complain or loose her faith. Grandpa loved her, too & we loved & respected her
Happy Birthday Karen! Have a blessed day!!
Happy birthday, Karen. You are an awesome friend to my wife and I.
She’s an awesome sister also.!! Hope you had a wonderful birthday. We love you!!