When we talk about the east coast and our move to the west, there are many things we miss. We often talk during car rides or while sitting around the house about the things that are different/similar between our former home and our new one. When about what they miss most, our kids always give the same two answers:
1. Family and Friends – We have been blessed to have so many great people in our lives. Our family and friends on the east coast have shaped our lives and grown us in so many ways. We miss you all dearly and are thankful for you eternally.
2. Snow and Snowmobiling – Many of our friends made comments before we left that it must be a God thing that we are moving west because Wes would never move to the beach! It’s been a small hardship, but we made it through our first winter. For those of you who said we would not see snow at all living in SoCal, well, you see the picture. (Don’t tell anyone we had to drive 5 hours north to get to it!)
For all you Sandy Cove fans, The Cove is not typically listed when people ask what we miss. However, it is one of the the most often asked question about the east coast in our home. “Will we ever go back to Sandy Cove?”
More on the way…including details of our trip east July 22-31.
Yes, there is a lot to miss here on the east coast but there are also many wonderful things to enjoy on the west coast. Grace and I live in both worlds so we get to see our friends and family too, and that is a big deal to miss.