In late October of 1995, this beautiful gal married me…

17 years, 3 kids, 8 moves, 4 major surgeries, 7 automobiles (and 1 motorcycle), countless friends, 1000+ miles biked together, a few serious conversations, 4,369,019+ moments I needed forgiveness from her later, she is still with me! That is a miracle!
Thanks Karen.
And thank you to all of you in our lives who have helped make ‘us’ who we are.
Happy anniversary! Hope u are doing well in CA. 🙂
and they lived happily ever after.
What a team the Lord put together. Can’t be beat. You guys are truly miracles of faith and trust in action. What His plans are for you can only be spectacular. The anticipations must be wonderful.
Love you all,
Aunt Ruthanne
Something is wrong with your web site. All the “info” tags are staying on the required line.
You are blessed! Karen is a wonderful woman. It is a miracle:)
Can’t bellieve it’ been that long…but then again I feel like I’ve know you my whole life! Happy Anniversary to a wonderful godly couple whom I admire, love and look up to!! Wishing u many more memories….hopefully more good than bad! Love you lots!!