It has been a nerve racking week, looking at houses and trying to figure out where God wants us to be. As Wes noted yesterday we have settled on a place around the corner from Dave and Lana. It is a single story, 3 bedroom home with a lot of kids in the neighborhood. It is walking distance from the Elementary, Middle and eventually High School (currently being built). We have been here for two weeks tomorrow and have met many of the families. The kids are getting to know the neighbors and playing outside regularly. The boys have been biking almost everyday and timing each other to see how many times they can go around the neighborhood in 15 min. Yesterday Kadin made it 8 times and today he increased it to 10. Wes is researching getting himself a bike so we can hit the bike trails and ride together as a family (his Mt. bike was broken on a bike trip a few years ago and we never replaced it…Craig’s List here we come!). There are trails close by our house that we look forward to blazing together.
Today is Wes’ moms birthday, shared with one of the neighbors here, Brogan. Brogan has turned 8 today and her brother Patrick will turn 9 on Monday. Brogan’s mom made brownie cupcakes for the kids and they were delicious. Happy Birthday Mom!

Wes and I took the kids to IKEA to get an idea for furniture. We left most of our furniture in Philly. After arriving home, I checked craigslist and found a great bed for Kasey. It is a full size trundle bed on top with a twin mattress below and 3 drawers below that. We are so excited! Not only will Kasey have a bed and drawers since she has no dresser, but we also have a place for anyone who may want to visit. Her room is not very large, in fact, the bed will take up most of it, but at least it can hold 2 to 3 people who may choose to visit 🙂 (any takers?)
We are excited to see what God does here. Just in the short time we have been here, we can see him working and helping us build relationships that prayerfully will glorify Him. Thanks for your continued prayers. We are being stretched, but we are determined to remain faithful.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Wes’ Mom. I trust in God that today was a Graceful and easy-going day. May our Lord continue to “bless your socks off.”…Larry I. in Arlington, TX
Trundle bed here I come!! WOOO HOOO!! Looks like I’ll be sharing Kasey’s room w/ her when I get there on the 21st….can’t wait! Miss you guys bunches!!
Hello Everyone 🙂 Congrats on the new home that Jesus hand picked for you. Blessings all around…lol.
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Coddington…..You are a special Lady and I hope your Birthday is everything you want and more. xoxoxoxox You Rock !
Thank you for the invite…. the kids and me will be right over…lol.
We all miss you and we can’t wait to be able to see you again.
God Bless xox