Kadin has been attending Stockade (a church-based Boy Scouts type group) at another local church for the last couple months. On the first night he was there, they handed out Pinewood Derby cars to build. He immediately decided that he wanted to make a pirate ship. He said that you could not win speed and design so he wanted to concentrate on design. He wanted to try to win 1st place.
We spent a lot of time together designing and building the boat. Too often it seems, the dad does the work and the kid sits and watches. Kadin and I did this all together, just like my dad did with me. I remember lots of times my dad helped me with a school project or a pinewood derby car. Our projects always were great because he helped me make it better, he didn’t do it for me. I really enjoyed working with my dad, and I hope Kadin enjoyed working with me just as much. I know I enjoyed working with Kadin.

It’s been a while since we heard from you. Nice to get such great news. What a great ship. Can I go on it’s maiden voyage???
Love you guys,
Aunt Ruthanne
Unbelievale! That is incredible. A well deserving win. Very proud of you and your creativity!
What a beautiful ship. It reminds me of the various designs our kids did (also done solely by themselves with just dad’s supervision so that they retained all 10 digits). So miss those wonderful days! Congratualtion Kadin!!!!
Way to go Kadin. Looks amazing!
Great job Kadin and Wes. I am VERY impressed.
Kadin I am impressed…of course I would not expectant anything less since u r so creative. God has given u a great talent in working with your hands and making beautiful things!
Wow! This is amazing! I have never see such a detailed, creative and eye-popping pinewood car. You both must have a LOT of patience, not to mention woodworking skills and determination, to have completed such an impressive finished product. Way to set a goal and see it through, Kadin!
An admiring friend of the family in Oneonta, NY
WOW!! I LOVE it 😀
Wes – Now you know why your dad had so much fun helping you guys with projects 😀
I just saw this Kadin and it is wondereful. Congratulations! Love, GGma
She certainly is yar! Have you had any offers for purchase yet?
Hey that is a great little ship! You guys could make and sell them out in California. You must have a lot more patience than I do.