As you may know, we have felt the Lord leading us to California but we are not certain of what He is calling us to do. Wes has taken this week to travel to California to be open and available, checking out different organizations and meeting with people.
This morning Kasey and I slept in and were greeted by a pleasant surprise. Dakota and Kadin had a special plan for us. We were entertained by Kadin doing an Irish jig while Dakota made some final touches on their surprise. When Dakota arrived Kadin went out to greet him and together they came in with breakfast in bed for Kasey and I. It consisted of eggs, cinnamon and sugar toast and a cup of orange juice. While Kasey and I ate the boys left to make dessert.
Dakota returned with a game for Kasey and I to play to together. We played hangman and then a little later the boys both returned with dessert… Mallow Pops. They really enjoy taking marshmallows and icing and creating little frozen treats.
Here are some photos. I took them early in the morning with my phone, so the quality is not the greatest. But you will get the idea.

Oh my gosh! I see you in Dakota! he is so you.I’m not sure about Kadin- maybe David with that expression! What a nice surprise for you and Kasey. The kids are coming for Easter next week. The kids on our street can’t wait for them to come. Lots of scooter riding will be happening next week. Hope Wes will find the place he needs to be. It’s scarey not knowing where you should be or what to do. The Lord has led you and Wes and he will continue to guide you.Have a great week and Happy Easter!
what a nice surprise and thhey did such a good job. They can come here and fix breakfast for me. You must be doing something right in bringing them up so kind and nice. I have been praying for all of you and that God will give you His plans soon. Those boys are great and I surely do love all of you. Grandma & GGma
How nice! Karen, you really should write blog posts more often! Not that Wes’s posts aren’t great, they are, but it’s fun to read what you have to say too. 🙂
Photos are my favorite. I am just wondering what time the boys had to start their project!
Too funny….that was quite creative of them and kind at the same time. They did not even mention it to me when we went to see the Wizard of Oz that afternoon!! Was like it was just another normal morning….Thanks for sharing the photos…they came out really good
So we need to talk about arranged marriages here. What wonderful boys…so sweet.
Fantastic!! I’ve heard of “dinner and a show” but this was “Breakfast and a show!”