Minor Surgery. NOT!

Wes’ surgery went well today, although it was not exactly as we expected. What we were hoping would be a 1.5 hour surgery ended up being 4 hours. When Dr. Ramirez went in, he discovered that the tear was not a small hole but almost the length of the entire transplant incision. He had to look around for the ends of the intestinal wall lining in order to pull them together and attach them. Because it was such a large tear, he put a mesh “patch” over the repaired tear to help strengthen it. Wes has a temporary drain on it that allows excess fluid to exit the body. He will be staying in the hospital over night tonight and possibly Sat night as well.

Since the surgery was a lot more involved, Wes is experiencing more pain than we anticipated. They have him on Dilauded, the big pain killer they used after his transplants. He was in the recovery room for at least 4 hours waiting for a hospital room to become available. As soon as he got into his room they hooked him up on a PCA drip to help manage the pain. I am telling you about Wes’ pain but he says,”I wouldn’t call it fun but compared to last time, this is a breeze.” To our delight, some of the nurses from previous surgeries are taking care of him. We love the nurses of 7 Northeast!

Wes is doing just fine We are still anticipating a quick recovery and will hear more from Dr. Ramirez in the morning and keep you posted.


Author: Karen

7 thoughts on “Minor Surgery. NOT!

  1. Sorry you’re back in the hospital, but glad the surgery was done by the same doctor. It’s nice that you’ve become friends! Praying for quick recovery and significant relief from the pain!

  2. Sorry you had to experience more surgery and pain. Been praying & will continue. I love you!

  3. Prayers for success and relief from pain are being sent your way.

  4. So sorry to hear that you had to go back in the hospital for repairs but I am glad they found the source of the problem and were able to fix it. Praying for your recovery.


  5. Sorry to hear about your surgery! Praying that you have a speedy the recovery!!!

  6. STILL PRAYING…that you can keep solids down and go to the bathroom on your own so you can come home!!

  7. Wes-I am so sorry that you had to go through this, but I pray that it will make you much better. We know that God is watching over you and that He is in control. I’m praying for Karen, also. Love to you both and the children-Grandma

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