Another ER Trip

Today in Sunday School, Dakota was sitting on his chair (in an awkward position, as usual) and he fell off and hit his head on the table.  He put a good gash in it and opened it right down to the skull.  His teacher worked to keep it under control while Kadin ran to the class Karen and I were teaching.   We got him to the ER where they expertly stitched him up.  He got 11 stitches.  The doctor said he was brave and did a good job, especially compared to the patient he had in the other room, which he said thrashed and would not sit still.

We have no picture of his head because he did not want to see it himself so he would not let us take a picture.  He is fine now and came home to work on his homework.


Author: wes©

10 thoughts on “Another ER Trip

  1. Dakota-I’m so sorry that you got hurt like that. You can be sure that GGma is praying for you. Love you-GGma

  2. So glad to hear it wasn’t worse. We will be praying for a quick recovery. We are all sorry to hear you got hurt.

    Uncle Tony, Aunt Trish and your cousins

  3. Dakota – All I can say is like father like son. Ask your dad about PCB dorms and the jump from one landing to another. Love you lots and I’m glad it wasn’t worse than a few (just 11) stitches. I pray it will heal quickly. See why we kept telling all you kids to sit up right.
    Grandmom Ivins

  4. Dakota,
    Praying the your head heals quickly and that you do not have pain. Take care of yourself and take it easy while you are healing. It is your turn to be waited on…and gifts are always nice too!!!

  5. Hi Dakota: Mr. Bob was sad when he heard about your accident in Sunday School. He’ll pray for you. Hope our stitches don’t itch too much. They say it is good if it itches because that usually means it is healing. Get better soon. Your dad said you were so brave … that’s because you knew Jesus was holding on to you real tight.

    Love you. Thanks for coming to see Mr. Bob on Saturday; he had a really good time because you kids were there with him.

    Miss Pat

  6. What is this, an episode of “most extreme chair sitting”? You’ve given children everywhere another reason to skip sunday school: they may end up in the ER. Someday, when you go blind you’ll be able to say, “It was….the chair” (ok, hopefully you won’t have that chance).

    Hope you get better soon!

  7. OMGoodness!! What ever is going on with the Coddington Tribe! I spoke to your mom twice this morning and she did not even mention this to me…..maybe she thought I had read the blog but I had not ….YIKES! So sorry to hear about your stitches but I’m glad that is all that was needed. I will have to come over and bring you something special for being SO brave!!

    Love you lots!!

    Aunt Linda

  8. Dakota- I’m so sorry about your stitches! Mr. Steve said that you now have a battle scar on your head and you should ask him about the battle scars on his head sometime. His came from trying to impress a girl and trying to break a brick wall with his head. How crazy is that? Anyway… I hope that you are feeling better.
    Miss Robyn and Mr. Steve

  9. Hm-m-m-m- That’s all I have to say about that –

  10. Sorry to hear about Dakota’s head. Tell him that when we see him again, we will have to compare scars!! LOL! When I was in 9th grade I fell and hit my head too. I had stitches then too. Not fun! Glad he is o.k. Praying for quick healing.

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