Kasey’s Birthday Wish

Kasey is about to turn 5 soon and while I was at the store, Kasey asked me to get her a pillow pet.  I told her that her birthday was coming up and that she should make a list of what she wants.   As soon I as I got back from the store she ran up to me and gave me her list.

Me: What’s this?

Kasey: My birthday list.

Me: Pillow Pet… Golf…. and What?

Kasey: A Credit Card!!!!

Wow!  She’s not even 5 and she wants a credit card.  We think she actually wants a gift card to a store, but it is still funny that she wrote all this out herself.

As a side note, my sister Nancy and her husband Scott bought tickets to the Ringling Bros. Circus for the kids.  They have been waiting since they got the tickets for Christmas to go.  Today was the day and they loved it!  They have never been to anything like it and they all sat mesmerized!  Kasey could not believe that they had real zebras.  Kadin loved the human flaming arrow and Dakota liked the tigers.  We will try to post some pictures.  Thanks Aunt Nancy and Uncle Scott!


Author: Karen

7 thoughts on “Kasey’s Birthday Wish

  1. My birthday is coming up in October. Can I have a credit card too?

  2. I’ll take a zebra, if you don’t mind.

  3. Happy Birthday Kasey,
    May all your birthday wishes come true.
    Pillow Pets are great.
    Make sure the name on the credit card is Wes (Daddy) Coddington!

  4. Happy Birthday Kasey!

    I am glad you loved the circus.


  5. My birthday is Wednesday…. I DO NOT WANT AN ANIMAL, thank you very much!

  6. I too had a great time at the circus and of course did not have my camera because it was in my luggage in the car…UUUGGGHHH! I better get copies!! I already have one gift for my Rae Rae but I’ll be sure to get her a gift card from_____I’ll never tell…I know where it is I’m gonna go…but in case she reads this I’ll never tell!!

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