Week in NY and Emergency Surgery

Our family spent this last week in upstate New York with my parents. There was snow but not enough to hit the trails so we played with the snowmobiles in the yard. We’ll post some pics soon. Here are some of the highlights from the trip:

Snowmobile Snowball Tag
My brother Dave and his family were there for the week and for a few days our friends Dirk and Lucy came (with new baby Charlotte in tow!) We took turns giving the kids rides on the two snowmobiles while the extra kid and adult threw snowballs at the riders. Fun! The riders were sure to keep their helmet visors down…

Kadin’s Trip to Hospital
On Friday Kadin started feeling a bit sick. He rested all day, threw up some and generally felt not-so-good. At 5am New Year’s Day, he woke Dakota up who then woke us up. Kadin had sharp pains in his abdomen so we rushed him to the ER in Cooperstown, New York (same hospital I was born in and where I was doing dialysis this week). By 11am he was in surgery to have his appendix removed. The surgery went well and he is still in hospital resting. I am writing this blog from the chair in his room. He is the ONLY pediatrics patient here. It is very quiet and has been all day. Kadin has been a trooper. He is a tough little guy. The surgeon told us that with the condition of his appendix, he was probably in pain
for a few days but did not tell us. They could not believe that he spent all week bouncing up and down on the snowmobile…kids! Dakota and Kasey have been wonderful as they have had to be carted back and forth to the hospital and not seen Mom and Dad much. When they came to the hospital, the first thing Dakota said to Kadin was, “Now you can compete with Dad for scars.” Kasey just wanted to check that Kadin was okay and see that they did not hurt him too much. Of course she had to check his band-aid.

Time With Family
We spent some great time just playing games and sitting around talking together. My brother Steve’s son Nathan joined us for part of the week so 3/4 of the cousins were all together and having a blast. We discussed the options for a kidney transplant using a donated kidney from Dave. You can be praying about the proper timing and planning for that. There is an outside chance that Karen could give as well, so we are working a number of angles. The longer I live on dialysis, the shorter my endurance gets and the more I wear out and the harder it is to keep my chemical constitution in balance. This week started out nice as I slept in and went to bed early to catch up on some needed rest. This latter part of the week in dialysis and the hospital and such does not really help, but hey, I am thankful that I am waking up each day!


UPDATE: We are home in PA and Kadin is doing better but not great.  He is resting and would appreciate lots of money to be donated to his foundation: The Kadin Coddington I was Sick so Donate Money to Me Foundation.  It’s a not-for-profit (as he wont get a thing for it!)

PS: Karen thinks people will not get my humor in the update so she made me post this:  Please do NOT send Kadin money, it is a joke.

Author: wes©

11 thoughts on “Week in NY and Emergency Surgery

  1. Wes,

    Keeping Kadin and the whole family in our prayers. Hope he is feeling better soon. Let us know if you need anything.


  2. Wow!!! See all I missed by going down-state. I got back around 7 p.m. Sunday and heard you were home already. Hope Kadin is OK and enjoying his competition status for scars. Thank you Lord that it didn’t burst with all the rough riding he was doing.
    I loved being with you guys – as always. Thanks for a great Christmas, too.
    Love ya all,
    Aunt Ruthanne

  3. Praying for all of you! 2011 is going to be a wonderful year for the Coddington Tribe. Thank you for the beautiful Christmas card!

  4. Laughing out loud with the new Foundation you’ve developed. And, rejoicing with the outcome of Kadin’s surgery. He deserves a special Cooperstown baseball, ring or trophy to commemorate the event! Afterall, even Babe Ruth didn’t leave his appendix there…..

  5. Since , I am not allowed to send money to his foundation, I will send a get well soon message! Hope you feel better soon! Lots of prayers and love being sent your way!

  6. So sorry to hear about Kadin. We went through the same thing in December with Rachel. She had her appendix out too. She is doing great now. Today is her first day to be able to participate in gym again. She is a little nervous.
    Tell Kadin that Aunt Sharon is praying for him. Thankfully, kids bounce back pretty quick.
    What is it with our family and appendix?????
    Love you all.

    Aunt Sharon

  7. Wes and Karen

    Thanks for the update. So great you got away — sounds like fun, except the part about Kadin having his appendix out.

    Wes, tried to say hi today at dialysis — I’m starting home hemo training so I was at Davita at 7. You were zonked out, so I didn’t wake you. Hope you are feeling good.

    Your bro,


  8. Thanks for keeping us updated. We’ve been waiting about — oh, six months!

  9. I got a great laugh out of your new foundation, Thanks for the uplift. So glad to hear that you had a great visit with your family… Upstate New York is the best. Ash and keith are in town and staying at D. O’s house. They are always good to see and generally lift up my spirits. It must be that the people from the Philly area are just ‘upbeat”. 🙂 As you must know we are constantly praying for you and yours. I thoroughly enjoy your grandma Ginny… you are blessed to have such a “neat” lady
    ( 70’s term) for a grandma. Our best

  10. That made me laugh out loud…I got the joke and no PS was necessary for me but I too would have been afraid people might take it seriously..not sure everyone who reads this blog knows how crazy Wes is!!

    Hope to stop by and see Kadin real soon! Cookie day coming soon. The cookie dough can’t stay in the freezer forever!!

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