Update on Kadin

Kadin is doing very well.  He stayed home from school on Monday and Tuesday.  His throat hurt a lot and he had no voice, presumably from the tube they had in him during the surgery.  He was in a fair amount of pain in his stomach but did his best to get up every hour and walk around the house to stretch his surgery site.  By Tuesday night he was in very high spirits and so we sent him to school Wednesday.  We expected to pick him up halfway through the day, but he did just fine.  He is restricted from gym and recess for two weeks, so they told him he could hang out in the office during recess with a friend of his choice.  Instead, on Wednesday, he chose to do work he had missed and he caught completely up in one recess period!  Now he brings a game and and friend and plays.

He is being careful in all activities not to pull the stitches loose, but other than that, he is back to our usual Kadin.  The only struggle he is having now is an emotional one.  When our family has our regular “I Have an Appendix” parties (usually every other Thursday), he’s the only one that can’t participate.  We are trying to find other people that don’t have an appendix so he can hang out with them during our parties…

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, as well as all the great cards and digital messages.


Author: wes©

5 thoughts on “Update on Kadin

  1. I don’t have mine. Lost it about 11 years ago, first year we were married. Uncle Tony has pictures to prove it! He’s welcome to come out here and we can party together!

    Glad to hear he’s doing better. We’ve been praying.

    Auntie Trish

  2. You make me laugh!! I expect to be invited to the next “I have an appendix party”! I just can’t attend the “I have a gall bladder party” LOL!! It was great hanging out with you all on Thursday night apparently I have to practice up on my Rummikub game…I did not win one round….UUUGGGHHH

    Kasey & I will have to play more of those silly Penguin games….it was too much fun!

    Kadin….hope you are feeling much better real soon!!

    Love you all

  3. Ha Ha!
    Great to hear Kadin’s doing well!

  4. Tell Kadin that Aunt Sharon, Aunt Debbie and cousin Rachel don’t have their appendix either. He is in “very good company”. Rachel just got to participate in recess and gym this past week. She was a little scared but she is fine now. She keeps worrying that her glued incision will open up but it’s pretty much healed now. Yes, I said glued. It looks just like crazy glue. (dr. said it costs a little bit more than crazy glue though, quite a little bit more) (LOL:)). Not sure how many other family members don’t have theirs either. Very good company though. LOL!

  5. I know how Kadin feels during your “IHAA” parties…. I have to leave when the “I Have Tonsils” parties are going on. First an empty throat and then the rejection from the parties….. almost overwhelming, indeed!!!! God Bless You All….. In Love, Betty.

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