1st Day Out of the Hospital

Steve has been struggling with lack of energy and is struggling emotionally as well.  Please continue to pray for him.

Wes has been out taking walks, climbing stairs and is still struggling with pain but in general doing well.  He plans to increase his walks by amounts and distance each day to help stretch and exercise the area of operation.  In order to be able to do stretches, exercise, and sleep, he has to use the pain medication.

Wes’ medication regiment is crazy.  He takes about 15 pills each morning along with 2 liquid medications.  He then takes 2 more liquids during the day and ends each day with about 10 pills and one more liquid.  Along with the medication, he has to keep track of his blood pressure, temperature and weight every morning and night.  Also he needs to measure all fluids voided.

Author: Karen

4 thoughts on “1st Day Out of the Hospital

  1. Hey Wes and Karen,

    So glad to hear the surgery went well. Will be praying for you Wes and your brother’s recovery.

    Enjoyed the pictures of your family… the kids are getting so big!

    Take care and stay well,

  2. Wes and Karen, Praise God everyone is out of hospital! We’ll be praying for all. Love, Bonnie H.

  3. We’ve been keeping up with your progress in Cooperstown! Thank you for your updates. We were traveling and checking email about “the Cods” on my cell phone. We’ll continue praying. A long road ahead, but your walk by faith reminds us that God is so good.

  4. Will continue to pray for Wes & Steven!


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