Chemo Round Two and DMx Registration

Yesterday I sat through round two of chemo. It was longer – it took from 8:45am to 4:00pm. The addition of the new medicine added time. As well, I met with my doctor team so that added more time. Right now I have the second course flowing from a ball of chemo that is in a fanny pack on my waist. It connects to the internal port in my chest. We work hard to keep Polaris away from the pack and IV line! So far, this round has not hit as hard with tiredness yet. But man it’s killing my hands. If I don’t keep them really warm, it feels like glass shards are in them anytime I touch something. It’s weird. Same thing happens in my mouth if I eat anything cold or some random things. I have updated my Care Team Prayer page so check out some new names for prayer.

Anyway, on to better stuff…

My family is awesome! Just thought I’d put that here. Karen, Dakota, Kadin and Kasey are bar none, my favorite people on this planet.

As we announced, we are making US Thanksgiving week the week for friends and family to come hang out with us. We plan to have lots of fun but concentrate on sharing some serious faith stuff with anyone who will listen. Please read this post about Tribal DMx for more info.

There is a Registration open on the Tribal DMx page. If you have plans to be part of the action, please sign up as soon as you know you’re coming. This will really help us plan for the week. There are some initial plans posted so you can see a bit of what we are thinking.

Author: wes©

12 thoughts on “Chemo Round Two and DMx Registration

    1. You are a stronger better man than I sir. Stay tough and positive Wes. My heart and mind are with you. You are inspiring change in my way of thinking and I am proud of you. Love Mike

  1. Shards of glass, ouch! Praying for you and the family 💕

    Any chance you will be live-streaming for Canadian friends who can’t get across the border without quarantining 14 days on both ends?

  2. Wes and Karen,

    Praying for you. What a long day of chemo and doctor visits.

    I just passed along your church name to a young international couple who just moved to Boise

  3. Prayers for you continue!

    Is there any way to make parts of Thanksgiving week virtual?


  4. Hi, I am now connected to the Tribe. So glad to have the updates. Goes without saying, my prayers are for you. My thoughts fall to you several times a day. By You, I mean the whole family including Doug and Grace. Hugs to all, wish they could be in person. Of course, with Corvid none of that is possible, except in the spirit. Love you, Diane

  5. Wes and Karen, We are praying regularly for your family and God’s touch upon your life. Thank you for the updates on your blog. Great memories of being at Main Street Baptist Church with you, your parents and grandparents. We have friends from India who just moved to Boise with jobs. They are technology people. . They are believers and we suggested to them that they visit your church. I told them to introduce themselves to you if they see you.

    Thankful for your testimony of God’s grace in the midst of great suffering.

  6. Again, I hope there is remote access to your weekend in November. We have already committed to going to Dee’s family in Florida – but I would love to hear/see what God is doing in and through you all.

    Looking forward to October!

  7. Wes and Karen . I had a dream of Karen she was crying I decided to look you up. I had no idea. My prayers are always with you all. I will pray and fast for you Wes. You are so special to me. I love you all.please look into a product .it is call 35%Food grade Hydrogen Peroxide. You can get it at a health food store online for sure. Its oxygen in a bottle and cancer can not live in a body that is oxygenated.
    I will be praying for a speedy recovery as the world truly needs you ..I am looking forward to hearing your testimony. Man I love you guys. Xoxox..PS your pictures are amazing xoxo

  8. Wes and Karen,
    Cindy sent me an email with this link letting me know about Wes’s condition. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time. I have fond memories of working together with Wes ministering to the teens at Berachah church. God bless you guys .

  9. Hello Wes Karen and tribe!
    Hope life is treating you all well apart from, of course, the dreaded 2 Cs_cancer and chemo! Your outlook on life is
    inspirational !! Our thoughts and prayers are with your lovely family. Often think of our lovely time in Carlsbad with you guys.

    All good things to you all
    Love Eileen and Jeff Perkins

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